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AN: wow ok im realizing how long this is getting, i meant for this to be a fairly short story but here we are with over 30 chapters- anyway i do have solid plans now for the ending and i promise it won't be too much longer. as always ily and thanks for sticking with me for this long!

pov: (Y/N)
just like we'd talked about yesterday, today was the day we go skating together as a class for a much needed break. we've all been overworking ourselves lately and decided it was a good idea to just hang out and have fun for a day! i decided to get up a little early so i could make them breakfast, going down to the kitchen and getting out my cookbook. hm, maybe i'll make parfaits today...or waffles...or omelets...or french toast...or crepes...or cinnamon rolls... after contemplating my options for a moment i decided on crepes. they're fairly simple and you can put whatever you want on them! i got out my mixing bowl and some flour, sugar, salt, eggs, butter, and milk, combining them in the bowl and whisking until smooth. i hummed as i set the whisk down in the sink and turned on the stove, spooning some batter onto the hot pan and spreading it into a thin layer. once it changed color, i flipped it and went to the fridge to get berries while it cooked. i filled a couple bowls with strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries before going back to the stove and flipping the crepe onto a plate and spooning more batter onto the pan. it was kind of a steady rhythm at this point, flitting back and fourth between the stove and the fridge and the table and humming softly to myself. i was in my own little world.

pov: iida
i was early today, as always, and expected no one else to be in the kitchen, but as i neared it i heard soft humming. i stopped a few feet from the corner and listened closer, recognizing the voice as (Y/N)'s and smiling to myself. i peeked around the wall and saw her moving between the stove, counter, and table, seemingly preparing breakfast and singing quietly to herself. it was almost a dance, her fluid motions dreamlike and relaxed, like she hadn't a care in the world in that moment. it was beautiful. she was beautiful. i found myself staring and quickly snapped out of it, seeing with relief that she hadn't noticed me yet. i stood up straighter and walked into the room as if i'd just gotten there (and not been staring at her from behind the corner like a creep). she turned around and abruptly stopped her song, a blush rising to her cheeks, "oh, good morning tenya, i didn't hear you coming" she said, embarrassed. "good morning (Y/N), apologies for sneaking up on you like that. what was that song you were singing? it was lovely!" i said with a smile, and her blush deepened. i noticed with interest that her marks's glow was tinged pink as well, and faint freckles became more prominent as her blush darkened. "oh that, it wasn't- i mean it's not really- um it's not really a real song- i made it up" she said hesitantly. "you made that? just now? (Y/N), that was amazing! have you ever considered writing music? you're incredibly talented!" i said, impressed. she shook her head and poured more batter onto the pan, "aw you're so nice, but im really not that good. it's just a hobby, my main focus should be on getting stronger and helping people!" she smiled. "i suppose, but it's good to do things you love too! you deserve to do what makes you happy" i said. she sighed and started whisking something in a bowl while the batter sizzled in the pan, "if only". i looked around, "do you need any help? this looks like a lot of work and i don't have anything else to do" i smiled. she smiled back and looked around, "uhhh, do you wanna flip the crepes while i make this whipped cream?" i nodded eagerly, happy to be helpful, and stood over the stove, watching the thin circle darken as it cooked. (Y/N) continued whisking whatever was in her bowl with one hand and sifting powdered sugar into it with the other. i smelled something and turned back to the stove quickly to see that i'd burnt the food. i turned off the heat, "(Y/N)?... i think i burnt it" i said sheepishly. she laughed and came over, patting my hand and scraping the burnt bits off the pan, "it's alright, how about you set the table instead? everyone else should be down here soon". i nodded and apologized again before getting plates and things to set out on the big table. just as i was going back to get cups we heard loud footsteps coming towards us.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now