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A/N: sorry this ones not gonna be the best chapter ever but it's important to the plot so stick with me please i'll try to make it entertaining i'm sorry

timeskip-two weeks

i walked into the common room and looked at the clock. 2:00am. i rubbed my eyes and yawned, sitting down on the couch. it was dark and i couldn't see much but i heard soft sniffles coming from a corner. i walked over and saw uraraka curled up in a chair, crying. i wrapped an arm around her and brought her over to the couch where we could be partially illuminated my the moon. i saw that her eyes were red and puffy and she was still. wear their clothes from the day before."hey are you ok? what's wrong?" i asked softly, stroking her hair in an attempt to calm her. she sniffled, "sh-she's been m-missing for two w-weeks i'm so w-worried, what if th-they've done something really b-bad to her?" my eyes brimmed with tears too, i'd been up all night thinking about her. "i'm sure she's ok right? she said they wouldn't kill her" i said, trying to hold back tears. "we know she wouldn't lie to us". tears slipped down my cheeks and we pulled each other closer, taking comfort in the warmth. we felt another person's weight on the couch next to us and another pair of arms wrapped around us. i sniffled and looked up, "m-midoriya?" a tear dripped onto my arm and i realized he was crying too. "i'm worried about her too, the heroes have been searching and they still can't find her", he said, his voice trembling a bit. we looked up and saw two more figures in the doorway. uraraka beckoned them over and todoroki and iida sat dow next to us. "sorry for following you midoriya, i was worried because it's so late. and then iida followed me so here we are. oh you're crying?", todoroki awkwardly joined in on the hug, activating his quirk the tiniest bit to add some warmth. soon enough, we were all wrapped in iida's huge arms, cuddled up and half asleep. "don't worry, we will find her safe", iida said softly. he was like a big brother to us so his words were more comforting than anyone else's.
-little time skip to the next morning-
the sun shone through the window, waking me up. i rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock, 9:00am. i looked at my friends, our limbs still intertwined in one huge cuddle. we all must've fallen asleep here... i couldn't get up without waking the others and i was still tired so i just cuddled back in, letting myself fall asleep again.

that morning, i sent out a group text to the class:
kiri: guys meet me in the cafeteria for breakfast
baku: what the fuck i don't wanna be in this group
jiro: is something wrong?
kiri: it's about (Y/N)
kiri: no. the heroes are useless we need to find her ourselves
todo: agreed. we're all very worried.
deku: i still don't know why they would wanna take her, she never did anything wrong!
uraraka: we have to find her before something bad happens
iida: don't you think we should let the heroes handle this? we are not professionals and they would never allow us to go anywhere.
baku: shut up four eyes if there's a chance to find her we'll take it
iida: i know we are all very fond of her but we need to consider the impact it may have on the teachers and heroes. what if they take us too? they would feel so guilty that they couldn't protect their own students.
shoji: you don't need to come with us but we're going no matter what
iida: of course i'm going, i'm saying we will need a plan. like kirishima said, meet in the cafeteria.
deku: thank you so much iida!!!
tsu: *kero* ok
tokoyami: you say kero in text???
tsu: i type how i talk
tokoyami: fair enough

i walked into the cafeteria and saw that everyone was already there, seated around a big table. i crossed my arms and sat down next to kirishima, "so what's the plan. i didn't come all the way here to hang out." pikachu spoke up, "we were gonna ask hawks to help us. aizawa and the others won't suspect anything if we're with a pro hero and hawk's pretty chill, i'm sure he'll help us." i thought for a moment, "that's not a terrible idea but why are you in charge??? you get brain fried after using your quirk! plus you're just a dumbass". he looked hurt and i felt kinda bad, but he's stupid so i wasn't wrong. "i know i'm not the best with my quirk but (Y/N) is my best friend, we've known each other since we were babies. i love her and she loves me too so i think i should be the leader this time." suddenly i didn't feel bad for calling him a dumbass anymore. he really thought she loved him? yeah sure. maybe she loves him as a friend but if she loves anyone for real it would be me right? when i went to check on her during the sleepover she let me cuddle her, even cuddled me back! does she do that with anyone else? she hugs everyone but i've never seen her sleep in the same bed and cuddle with someone. not like i would know i don't watch her sleep but what if she does this with everyone and only thinks of us as friends? i'm so confused shes so nice to everyone it's impossible to tell who she likes if she even likes anyone at all... "bakugo! are you paying attention?" i snapped back into focus "yeah." everyone looked at me skeptically. "here's a recap in case anyone happened to not be listening" icyhot said, glaring pointedly at me. "hawks will tell aizawa he's taking us on a trip for one day and one night. since he's a pro hero aizawa will trust him and let us go. we spend the day tracking them and looking for clues as to where they could've taken her and we start the rescue at sundown. we leave tomorrow." i nodded in agreement, glad we were finally able to do something. shoji spoke up "did we even ask hawks yet...?" tokoyami looked up, "yeah i'm texting him now he said he'll do it." four eyes nodded, "good. everyone make sure you have all your support items and hero costumes ready and get a good nights sleep tonight."

-later that night-

i had just finished packing all my stuff into a backpack when i got a text in the group chat from an unknown number. it read: 'i talked to aizawa and he said yes! get ready for your first real rescue mission' another message came in a few seconds later: 'its hawks by the way, tokoyami gave me your numbers'. i responded with 'ok, thank you for helping us', and put my phone down. i'd been worrying about (Y/N) all day, who knows what could've happened to her, two weeks is a long time! they could've taken her far away within that time, we might never be able to find her, she could be badly hurt or even dead, i'll never see her again, what if they'd killed her the first day and that's why they can't find her, we wouldn't even know she was dead we'd just keep searching and searching, she's too kind she would never hurt the villains even if it means escaping, she can't heal herself so if they hurt her she's out of luck and healing quirks don't work on her either so even if we get her back she could be badly hurt and we couldn't do anything about it, oh my gosh i hope she's ok i will slaughter those villains if they even lay a hand on my (Y/N)... i heard a knock on the door, jarring me out of my thoughts. "midoriya?" a voice said quietly. i opened the door and saw iida standing there with a conflicted look on his face. "oh hi iida, come on in. what's up?" he sat down on the edge of the bed next to me and fidgeted with his hands. "i..i have a question. how do you know when you love someone as a friend or more than a friend?" i was a bit surprised that he would ask that sort of question, this is a side of him i'd never seen before. "well describe how you feel" he takes a deep breath and looks at the floor. "i don't know, we've just been friends for so long and i want to preserve that friendship but i can't help but think about what it would be like to be her boyfriend. protect her and be with her all the time so no harm would ever come to her. maybe she'd even give me hugs and hold my hand..." he said bashfully, a hint of a blush on his face. "but those things could all be just friendship right? i've been distancing myself from her lately to try to figure out my feelings but i can't stay away, she might think i don't like her anymore!" i listened attentively and when he was done i put a hand on his shoulder. "well i think you have a crush you're trying to hide from yourself. you should try and get closer to her, maybe spend more time together and then tell her how you feel once she's completely comfortable with you." he thought for a second and then looked up at me, giving me a quick hug before standing up, "thank you midoriya, you've helped me a lot." "no problem iida!" i said, waving to him as he left my room. it was getting close to midnight and we were leaving tomorrow, so i changed i to my pajamas and lay down, trying not to think about her anymore. there's nothing to worry about, we're rescuing her tomorrow! i emptied my head of all thoughts and drifted off to sleep.

A/N: andhsdhsjdjsh im so sorry that was a terrible chapter but the next one will be better i promise ♡ just know i love the few people who read this and leave comments it means a lot to me, i've never been super confident in my writing. sorry for two authors notes i just wanted to tell you.

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