✿ kiri ✿

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A/N: OHMYGOSH 3K READS I CANT- i never thought more than 4 people would read this shitty book what the heck i'm so happy thank you guyssssss

this one ended up being really long um...yeah sorry ;-;

it was late afternoon and i was walking down the street after coming back from doing homework with bakugo at the library, not really watching where i was going. i decided to take a shortcut through an alleyway back to the dorms, trailing my hand along the side of the abandoned building as i walked. i heard a shuffling sound from behind me and turned around quickly, "hello? anyone there?", i yelled. suddenly i felt something stab into my shoulder and whipped around to face a tall, muscular man with a mask on his face showing only his pitch black eyes. one of his fingers was a syringe with yellow liquid dropping out of it. i backed away slowly, trying to activate my quirk but it wasn't working. "hey...what's up", i said awkwardly. he lunged at me and i tried to dodge but my movements were sluggish, damn it, what did he inject me with?! he slammed me against the wall and held me there, my feet inches off the ground. "it's been a while since i killed, let's savor this one shall we?" he said eerily, a smile in his voice. before i could react, he punched me in the face, dropping me to the ground and kicking me in the ribs. i let out a wheeze, my body wasn't responding and all i could do was try to crawl away. he was much faster and stronger than i was in my weakened state and stomped my face into the cracked pavement, laughing shamelessly. i heard something crack and a sharp pain exploded through my nose. i knew it was broken and cursed under my breath, rolling over so he couldn't do it again. the blows just kept coming, kicks to the ribs, stomach, and shins and punches landing on my face. i felt the effects of whatever was in the syringe wearing off a little and i pushed myself up, hardening my hand and delivering a weak punch to his chest. he stuck me with his needle again and my hardening wore off. he punched me again and pinned me to the wall, holding a knife to my throat. "well this has been fun. say hello to my mother for me won't you?" he said, completely deadpan. all i could do was give a confused grunt as he pressed the knife into my neck- and then a flash of white knocked him over and i dropped to the ground.

i'd been sitting on the other side of said abandoned building on the high roof, swinging my legs over the edge and singing softly to myself. i knew no one had come to this building in years and knew i wouldn't be bothering anyone here so i came here a lot just to clear my head. as i watched my breath float up into the crisp december air, i began to hear thumps from the alleyway on the other side of the building and listened closer. upon further inspection it seemed like someone was getting beaten up, strangled yelps echoing through the alleyway. i cautiously walked over to the other side, looking down from the roof to see a big, burly man with a mask pummeling a teenager. i had to help them! i looked closer and saw that it was kirishima, he looked weaker than normal, usually he'd be able to fight this guy off easily but now he was completely helpless. i didn't have time to think and jumped off the roof, using my wings to speed myself up and creating a shield over my forearm as i slammed into the man, sending him sprawling into the cracked pavement. he was stunned for a second and i glanced at kiri who'd managed to stand and was now leaning against the building, half conscious. he tried to run at the man but i yelled, "NO! stay there kiri you're hurt!". ❤️the big man stood up and ran towards me, "you BITCH!", he yelled in annoyance. he tried to poke his needle finger into me but i dodged and punched him squarely in the jaw, sending him reeling backwards for a few steps. i flew up into the air so he couldn't land any punches on me and created a big shield over his head, tapping it to disintegrate it into golden dust which fell into his eyes, temporarily blinding him. he slipped on some ice on the ground and i swooped down, kicking his legs out from under him and creating a dome shield over him to keep him captive temporarily so i could get kiri to safety. i ran over to kiri and picked him up gently so as not to hurt him, flying him up to a lower section of the roof so he'd be out of harm's way but not oblivious to what was going on. 🧡i dropped back down to the ground just as the big man broke through the shield i'd created, running at me with something between a growl and a yell. i dodged right as he tried to hit me, making him lose his balance and stumble into a snowbank. he was just getting angrier at this point, throwing reckless punches and kicks as i expertly wove through his attacks, laughing a bit at his buffoonish approach. he seemed to realize he wasn't going to land a hit on me and grabbed something off the ground, throwing it at me in a split second. i barely had time to react but i managed to dodge, the sharp object (seemingly a broken knife) cutting into my upper arm instead of my chest where it'd been aimed. i didn't give him the satisfaction of a reaction, just giggled innocently. "wow you've got terrible aim mister!", i said condescendingly. (a bit of a bitchy thing to do but he'd hurt kiri, a bruise to his ego was well deserved). he roared angrily and charged, his pride definitely hurt at being bested by a small 15 year old girl. this time though, he seemed to get smart and when i dodged he had another punch ready, hitting me hard in the ribs. i inhaled sharply but kept my composure, grabbing his arm and flipping him over my shoulder. 💛while he was on the ground i created a strong cage around him before going up to it and tapping his nose. "don't feel too bad, you did hit me once!" i said with a cheerful smile, turning and walking away to get back to kiri. i called the police and notified them of the situation while he yelled and shook the bars of the cage but i ignored him, flying up to where i'd left kiri. he was standing there in awe, badly beaten and bleeding. "that was...super manly (Y/N)" he said weakly with a thumbs up before collapsing. 💚"kiri!" i yelled, running over to him. i assessed the damage, he was bleeding from his nose and had cuts and bruises all over his body. the main injuries seemed to be a broken rib, arm, and nose along with major bruising to his stomach along with presumably internal bleeding. "oh my poor kiri, don't worry you're gonna be fine" i said worriedly, debating on whether to take him back to the infirmary or heal him here. i decided moving him would hurt him more and got to work, taking his arm gently in my hands and humming softly to heal it. i moved on to his ribs and stomach, pressing my hand gently to his torso and sending warmth through his body. i healed his nose next, cupping his face in my hands and healing all the facial injuries at once. i do have the power to wake him up but i figured i'd heal everything major while he was unconscious so he wouldn't feel as much pain. once all the biggest injuries had been healed i woke him up by pressing a hand to his forehead and humming a lively tune. his eyes fluttered open and i transferred more energy into him to get his strength back up. 💙he sat up immediately pulled me into a hug, holding me close to his chest. "that was amazing (Y/N)! are you ok are you hurt? i'm so sorry i couldn't help you i think his quirk made me weak, my quirk wasn't working at all!". i winced slightly when he put pressure on my ribs and arm but smiled up at him, glad he was ok. "i'm fine kiri, and don't worry the police are on their way to get that man back to jail." in reality i was pretty tired from healing almost his whole body and saving him from the brink of death, plus i'd been training a lot earlier today so i was weakened to say the least, not to mention the (minor but definitely present) injuries i'd sustained from the man. kiri cupped my face in his hands and ran his thumb over my marks, "hey your marks are kinda dim, you look really tired are you sure you're alright?" i brushed his concern off with a cheerful smile, "of course, i'm fine! come on let's get back, the sun's gonna set soon". i picked him up and flew us back down to the ground, setting him down. the police had come already and were loading the (still angry and screaming) man into their car. one of them came up to me and shook my hand, saying they'd seen what i'd done on security cameras and that they were proud of me and that i'd make a great hero someday. i thanked them with a smile and gave them my name for the records before starting to walk with kiri back towards the dorms. "do you want me to fly us back kiri? it's not that far i know but it'll be faster and it's cold out". he looked down at me, still slightly worried, "no no, you're tired i can see it. don't push yourself too much ok? in fact i can see you shaking and you're shivering. you're weak (Y/N), let me help you this time." 💜he wrapped his jacket around my shoulders and scooped me up in his arms, holding me bridal style and carrying me as he continued walking. i gave a small squeak of surprise, "kiri i'm fine put me down!" he just held onto me tighter, pulling his jacket tighter around me. "stop saying you're fine (Y/N), i can see that you're not. you're always there for everyone else, helping them, healing them, fighting for them, sacrificing yourself for them. but no one helps you. only when you're passed out on the floor does anyone notice how hard you work or how much you suffer. only when you're gone do we realize how much we need you. now please, for once in your life, just let me help you" he said softly, looking down at me with a sad look on his face. i stopped squirming and looked up at him with wide eyes. i'd never thought of it that way, maybe he was right. no one was there for me. if i asked them to they would be of course, but everyone just assumes i'm fine! i'm the only one who regularly checks up on people's health, mental and physical. i always thought i wasn't worth the help, that i didn't need any and it would be a waste of their time, but now i see it could make them feel useless. like i could help them but they couldn't do anything in return. i relaxed into his arms and lay my head on his chest, silently agreeing. he smiled and carried me all the way back to the dorms before setting me down on the common room couch. i was still shivering a little and kinda tired but my energy was starting to replenish itself. he zipped me up in his jacket and put a blanket over my shoulders before i could protest and went to the kitchen, coming back with 2 cups of hot chocolate, giving me one and sitting down next to me. "aww thanks kiri, you're so sweet, but you didn't have to-" he brought his finger to my lips in a 'shush' motion, "just drink ok? i'm helping you tonight" he said with a smile. i nodded and took a sip of my hot chocolate, still feeling bad about him helping me but i knew it'd make him feel good so i smiled. "thanks kiri. hey what was the story with that man anyway, why did he hurt you?" he frowned slightly, "i'm not really sure, i was just walking back and he jumped me. he stabbed me with his finger needle thing and i think the injection blocked my quirk and made me weak. if it wasn't for you i'd probably be dead right now" he said, looking at me intently with what i assumed was admiration. i blushed, giving him his jacket back and took off the blanket. "that quirk sounds kinda familiar don't you think? here let me look it up". i took out my phone and just as i started to look it up i got a text from tsu. it read 'are you guys ok? this was on the news just now!' with a video attached. 'yeah we're fine, thanks!' i responded. i opened the video and there was security footage of the man beating up kiri and me fighting him. a voiceover was saying "the man you see on screen is none other than the villain harpoon, first becoming known for killing his own mother. he then went on to kill over 100 other people with no pattern or motive, it was purely for his own enjoyment. his quirk is a syringe with a needle replacing his right index finger. when injected with the liquid inside, a person's quirk will be temporarily disabled and their physical strength sapped greatly, leaving them perfect targets for him to kill. this dangerous man recently escaped prison and authorities have been looking for him for over two months. here he is seen attempting to kill a teenager, UA student eijiro kirishima, earlier today. luckily his friend (Y/N) Tsukina was close by and fought harpoon, capturing him and notifying the police so they could lock him up again. kirishima fought bravely but sustained major injuries which were quickly healed by the new rising hero, (Y/N) Tsukina! she managed to subdue and contain this man easily three times her size without leaving a single scratch on him. she herself sustained no visible injuries. needless to say harpoon was quite angry at being beaten by a 15 year old girl when even pro heroes and police failed, but all i can say is we don't know much about Tsukina but i'm already her #1 fan!" the video ended and i looked up at kiri in disbelief. "they...like me?" he looked at me proudly, not upset he wasn't the one getting glory, but genuinely happy for me. "of course they do (Y/N)! you're amazing! super manly" he said with a wink. i blushed, not used to compliments and praise. "wow" i said quietly, looking down at my hands with a smile. kiri followed my gaze and saw half dried blood on my sleeve and hand that had trickled down from the cut i'd gotten when harpoon threw a knife at me. "oh my gosh are you hurt? let me see give me your arm". he reached for me and i pulled away on instinct. "no no that's...harpoon's blood" i didn't want him to see my arms, that would lead to questions and then he'd worry about me, i can't have that. he raised an eyebrow, unconvinced, and grabbed my wrist. "they said you didn't even leave a scratch on him." i tried not to react but inhaled sharply with a wince and he immediately let go. "oh my gosh (Y/N) i'm so so so sorry i hurt you what happened where are you hurt show me i'll get the medical kit" he said in a slight panic, running to get it. he came back and took out bandages and disinfectant wipes. he gently took my hand and rolled up my sleeve before i could protest, seeing the bandages covering most of my arm. the knife wound in my upper arm wasn't deep but dripped blood still. "what are all those bandages from? who hurt you? i can't believe i didn't notice before i'm such a terrible friend-" i shushed him and smiled comfortingly. "no one hurt me i'm fine, these are just for compression. i sprained my wrist and elbow training a few days ago" i lied, grateful i'd changed the bandages before i left so no blood showed through. i'm known for being a horrible liar but he seemed to believe me, nodding and focusing back on the cut near my shoulder. 💗he grabbed a disinfectant wipe and looked at me before touching me, asking for permission. i nodded and he gently cleaned it out before wrapping bandages around it and rolling my sleeve back down. he took my hand and placed a soft kiss on top of it. my eyes widened in surprise and i blushed, he winked and smiled. "kisses make the pain go away right?" i smiled and nodded, still a little flustered. "definitely" i sat up on my knees and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "thank you kiri. for everything."

❤️- i really want to help her but i can barely move, i'd probably just get in the way
🧡- when she set me down i crawled over to the edge of the roof, peeking over the edge to see what was happening. i hope she'll be ok...
💛- wow she's amazing! that guy's like three times her size! i swear i love her more every day
💚- i stood up to congratulate her but my vision went fuzzy and my legs wouldn't work...at least she held me though, i have to admit that was great! even if i was, you know, on the verge of death
💙- at first i was just awake and then i felt more energy surge into me, i felt better than i had for a long time!
💜- she looked terrible (still beautiful of course, but not ok). she was visibly shivering and her whole body looked wobbly like she could collapse at any second! not to mention the dullness of her eyes and marks.
💗- she wouldn't lie to me, right? and i don't see any blood so i'm sure she's telling the truth

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now