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ok besties this is where things get interesting soooooo yeah love you thanks for reading!! i know your origins and stuff with the villains hasn't been super clear and maybe a little cryptic but it'll all start to make sense now!

pov: (Y/N)
i'd taken aku to meet everyone and she was nice to them like i told her to be, (well, as nice as she gets.) she seemed to especially take a liking to mina, and right now they're on a date at the cafe down the street. she didn't want me to call it a date but it's so obvious! they're so cute together, i'm glad they're both happy. it was sunday, so i got to sleep in a little bit, but i still woke up around 8. after getting dressed, i went down to the common room and sat on the couch with my book, listening to some music on my headphones until someone else woke up. at around 9:30, kiri came down for breakfast and made himself a bowl of cereal before sitting down next to me in the couch. "'morning kiri!" i said with a smile, and he put the bowl on the side table, draping his arm around my shoulders casually. he gave me a big toothy smile, "'morning (Y/N), got any plans for today?". i shook my head, "nope, not so far, why?" he smiled, "i don't either! wanna hang out?" i laughed a little and nodded, "sure! eat your food first though". he nodded and gave me an exaggerated salute, picking up his spoon in one hand with his other arm still around me. i laughed and leaned slightly into him, leaning my head on his shoulder and opening my book again. we sat there like that for a few minutes, peaceful, but then mr aizawa came into the room with a big guy in a suit. "(Y/N)? we need to talk to you." i sat up and looked at him, confused, but kiri spoke up before i could. "is she in trouble? because if she is you're wrong she would never do anything bad ever, also if you're taking her out of the school no you're not, and if something happened and she's in danger i wanna know right now!" i stood up next to him and put my hand on his arm, "it's fine! i'm sure it's nothing. what did you wanna tell me? whatever it is kiri can hear too, no secrets" i told aizawa. he sighed and held out a tablet with a picture of a man about his age, maybe a little older, on it, "do you recognize this man?" the man's leathery face was twisted into an unsettling half-smirk, like he knew something you didn't. his salt-and-pepper hair and beard were scruffy like he hadn't showered or shaved in days, and small rectangular glasses were perched on the end of his nose. he had smudges of dirt on his face and his nose was bleeding. "...father...?" i said in a barely audible whisper, my eyes wide. it was the man in my dreams. the one that follows me, shows up every time i fall asleep, tortures me in my head. he's...real? i mean i have vague, fuzzy memories of him but i thought i might have made him up in my mind. it's terrifying, like he followed me out of my dreams to haunt me. i stumbled back a couple steps and kiri caught me, placing a reassuring hand in the middle of my back. "hey, hey what's wrong?", he asked with concern. i didn't answer him, looking at aizawa and the man in the suit. "...who is that?". my voice barely came out. "it's alright sweetheart, sit down. how do you know him?" aizawa motioned for kiri and i to sit back down on the couch and he and the other guy sat down on the other side. "i don't really... know him. but can you please tell me who he is?". i asked. aizawa nodded to the other man, who said matter-of-factly, "this man is osamu masashi, he was arrested for destruction of property after an abandoned warehouse where he apparently kept his lab exploded. we searched the "lab" and found multiple substances and equipment that suggests human testing, which is highly illegal of course. there were also illegal drugs and chemicals stored there. allegedly, he was a rogue scientist and has a phD from a prestigious university. police took him back to the station after containing all his things and searched his record. they confirmed him to be a chinese man by the name of feng liu, and found multiple criminal offenses ranging from petty theft to child endangerment and murder. he was brought in for questioning but he refused to talk. he demanded they find you and bring you to him or he wouldn't tell them anything. he said you were his daughter. do you know anything about this?" i was shocked, "did he ask for me by name?". "his exact words were 'get me my little angel and i might talk'. detectives asked for specifics and he gave us your full name, age, and which school you go to. it's quite evident that he was talking about you miss tsukina." he replied. "oh" i said softly, digging my nails into my palms. "how do you know him (Y/N)? or what do you know about him?" aizawa asked gently. "uh- well i- i don't really- exactly- know him- but i guess i've seen him?" i hesitantly explain how he shows up in my dreams every night and how real it felt and (when prompted) what he did to me there. after i finished talking, aizawa placed a hand gently on my shoulder. "why didn't you tell me? that sounds really scary for you to deal with on your own, even if you weren't sure if it was real. we could've figured something out, i could've helped." i didn't say anything. kiri gave my hand a little squeeze, "you don't have to deal with everything by yourself, we're here for you you know" he said softly. "i...didn't want to worry you" i said quietly, "but if it would help the investigation, i'd like to go see him. there's obviously some sort of connection between us and i need to know why". the big man nodded, "thank you miss. we can go now if you'd be ok with it." i nodded and started to stand up but kiri didn't let go of my hand. "i want to go too. i don't want her to be alone with that guy." aizawa raised an eyebrow, "i'm right here, she won't be alone kirishima". "i know, but still." he said persistently. the big man sighed and nodded, "fine, he can come. she might feel more comfortable with a friend there too." kiri looked happy and stood up next to me, walking along with us out to the big man's car.
~skipping the car ride lol~
we got to the police station and i followed the big man (who's badge i could now see read detective haru) into a white room with only a table and two chairs inside. in one of the chairs was masashi, handcuffed and looking as filthy and sketchy as ever. it was strange and scary seeing him in person, even though i know he's real now and not just a figment of my imagination. but curiosity overcame the fear and i sat down in the chair opposite to him. "we'll be right behind that window, if you ever want to leave just raise your hand and we'll get you out right away ok?" detective haru said, and i nodded, "thank you". he left the room and i was alone with masashi. when he spoke, his voice was rough, but had a smooth undertone like scratchy jazz music. "how long i've waited to see you again my daughter" he said, reaching his hands out towards me. i shrunk away from him and he frowned, "now that's no way to treat your father!". "you're not my father" i said. "i want you to tell me everything. how you know me, what you did to me, why you keep appearing in my head at night, who else you've hurt, why you did it, everything." he sighed, "right down to business i suppose, not even a hello for your poor old father. i think you'll be quite surprised to find that i really am your father, no matter what you may think. everything you think you know about your childhood is wrong my angel. now don't get upset just yet, ill tell you the whole story darling." part of me thought he was lying, but there have always been a few...inconsistencies in my early life. i wasn't going to panic yet though, i have to stay calm and let him tell me what went on. i nodded to him, "so tell me." masashi sat back in his chair, "get comfy angel, it's a long story.

"i've always been fascinated by quirks. after i graduated from a university in china, my original plan was to be a quirk study technician, but i wanted more. i wanted to do more than study them, i wanted to create them, change them, enhance them. i went off the rails, started doing my own thing doing slightly illegal testing. the chinese government caught me and i fled to japan, changing my name to osamu masashi. i set up my own lab and met an amazing woman by the name of akemi hikari, who would eventually become your mother. oh she was wonderful, so sweet and pretty, and the most kind and trusting girl i've ever met. isn't that nice angel? we were in love! but i couldn't tell her about my past or my lab or my experiments because who could love a madman? but soon enough she found out. you were six months old and i'd been secretly testing on you since infancy, but she didn't like that. she said i'd manipulated her and that i wasn't the man she'd thought i was. i really am sorry, i didn't want to kill her, but she left me no choice. if she told the police i wouldn't be able to continue my testing! hm, this is being recorded isn't it. it was a cold case until now but oh well, i'm going to jail anyway. you hear that detectives? i killed akemi hikari! i poisoned her and sunk her body in the river! it wasn't a disappearance, i killed her! that unrecognizable body someone found washed up a few years ago was her! oh, that was funny! i'm getting off topic aren't i, sorry angel. let's get back to what happened to you shall we? after your sweet mother met her untimely demise, i had full custody of you and got to test to my heart's content. your quirk was originally quite simple, just small wings sprouting from your little back, and it reminded me of a little angel! so i went to work, modifying you and your abilities to make you a fully fledged angel with healing and shielding powers too. by the time i was satisfied with my work and my little experiment was complete, you were four years old. i erased your memory and planted a chip in your neck just under the angle of your jaw, which allowed me to know your location and appear in your mind whenever i wished. then i left you in an orphanage so i could see how you'd fare in the real world with my modifications. a test drive, per se. your current family adopted you, but as far as you know you've been with them since birth right? you must think that woman you call your mom gave birth to you! hate to spoil your entire perception of reality but it's the truth. i am your real father, it's my blood that runs in your veins angel. aren't you proud? you have a genius as a father instead of a faded old businessman! don't even get me started on your new mom, what a bitch! i'd always planned to take you back eventually, but i hadn't ironed out all the details. then you started going to that preppy hero school and i knew i had to get you out of there before their idiotic ideals infected your mind. i knew i had to keep a low profile if i didn't want to get arrested prematurely, so i recruited some of the best. that's right, the league of villains kidnapped you again because i told them to! why do you think shaigaraki wouldn't tell you anything about his plans? things didn't quite add up did they angel? after you escaped them the second time, i thought a different approach might be optimal so i sent our old friend harpoon to bring you to me. i suppose it's no surprise you beat him, i created you to be the best of the best. i told him the best way to lure you was to attack someone. someone as altruistic as you would come to help without a second thought! the fact that the victim was your friend was just icing on the cake! he's here with you today right? the boy harpoon attacked? he seems to like you a lot. a lot of people seem to like you a lot by my observation, i suppose angels do have a naturally alluring aura, maybe it's an undocumented result of my tests...interesting. anyway, that gets you all up to speed, no questions. i know i'll never get out of jail now, so i figure if i go down i might as well bring your whole world crashing down on you too. or if you'd like to believe i'm a good person, i 'wanted you to know the truth about your life'. i don't believe in good or evil, just those willing to do what it takes to reach their goals. and with that bit of wisdom, our time is up angel. despite what you may think, i do love you my daughter, even if i have an...unconventional way of showing it."

and with that, two guards came into the room and escorted him out.

ALRIGHT GUYS I ALREADY HAVE PLANS FOR THE NEXT STORY IM GONNA WRITE AFTER THIS ONES DONE LOL I WONT SPOIL ANYTHING BUT I NEED CHARACTER NAMES!! DROP ANY NAMES YOU LIKE HERE, ANY GENDER AND ETHNICITY! pls i am begging i have everything planned, characters and s chapters and plot and storyline i just need character names-

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now