rescue: part 1

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A/N: omg i'm an idiot i literally forgot momo exists but i'm too lazy to add her now so-

today's the day we're rescuing (Y/N). i was happy we would get to see her again but also really scared. what if she's hurt? what if...something really bad happened? i tried to calm down and grabbed my things, going down to the common room where we would meet hawks. when i got there, i saw kaminari, kirishima, shoji, ashido, jiro, tsu, bakugo, iida, and midoriya already there. iida raised his hand, "the rest of the class does not know about this and we will not tell them, agreed?" everyone nodded and hawks motions for us to follow him outside. "now that we're all here, let's get a move on! there's no time to waste!" we followed him outside and got into a school bus that took us to a small building hidden by trees. "where are we?" uraraka asked. "this is where me and some of the other herlees come when we need to make plans or hold a meeting. now i'm trusting you kids, if anyone finds out the location were all screwed." we all nodded and went inside, sitting around a table. "first thing: we need to locate the girl. do any of you have something of hers?" hawks asked impatiently. "yeah actually. she gave me this a little while ago", i said, taking a scarf out of my bag. she'd made it herself and i've carried it with me since she gave it to me. "perfect, a handmade item is even better", he said, taking his phone out and pressing a button. a little robot rolled into the room and opened a small hatch on its stomach. hawks folded the scarf and placed it inside, closing the hatch after. we looked at him quizzically. "this is our victim location tracker, or VLT. we just call him sheldon though." he said with a chuckle, "he works multiple ways. cell signal (which we obviously don't have), voice recognition (which only works short range), or quirk tracing, which is what we're doing now. sheldon here takes something that belongs to or was made by the missing person and analyzes it for traces of a quirk signature. see, everyone's quirk is unique and he can scan areas for quirks that match the one imbedded in the item." i looked over and saw midoriya excitedly scribbling in his notebook, no doubt fascinated by sheldon. hawks sent sheldon rolling down the street to scan the area, smiling at the small robot's innocent appearance. "you see, sheldon is very unassuming, no one would even give him a second look, which makes him perfect for this kind of thing. now, until he finds the girl, there's not much to do. so i guess i'll hand it over to you, class president" iida stood up, "thank you hawks. first of all, 'the girl' has a name, it's (Y-" he paused, "tsukina. i think the best thing we can do now is prepare. make sure our weapons and quirks are ready, along with our minds. we cannot save tsukina with a panic filled brain can we?" he said, looking as if he was trying to convince himself too. we agreed and began changing into our hero costumes, using the bathroom a few at a time (girls with girls boys with boys, you know). we fine tuned our support items and added a few final touches to them, making sure they worked perfectly. just then, hawks got a ping on his phone. "hey! sheldon found her!" he exclaimed. we all jumped up and ran over to him, trying to see the map on the small screen, "where is she?! is she ok?! we have to leave now!" we clamored, scrambling to get our bags and load ourselves onto the bus again. turns out, they were holding her not too far from where we were! she was right under our noses this whole time and those heroes couldn't even find her! wait..."hey hawks? why didn't you and the heroes use sheldon before?" i asked. hawks shook his head, "they didn't trust me. they said sheldon was unreliable since he's still in an experimental phase". "they could've at least tried!" kirishima said, but hawks just shrugged. "they don't think he'll even work. but we just proved them wrong didn't we! your fr...tsukina will be safe at home by tonight". we sat in apprehensive silence, waiting to arrive. "so...tell me about her", hawks said with a smile. "she must be pretty cool to be this important to you guys". "she's more than cool! she's so kind and sweet and smart..." denki said with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "yeah! she's really clever and super strong too!" kirishima piped up. "she's the best friend we could ask for *kero*" tsuyu said with a big smile. "she's very thoughtful and considerate, not to mention beautiful" i said, looking down. "she's super generous" jiro said, holding up some gloves (Y/N) made for her. "she's super fun!", mina piped. "she can cheer anyone up" shoji said. "she always knows just the right thing to say", midoriya said, blushing. "she's very talented", uraraka said. "her intelligence and strategy could rival any pro hero", iida said. everyone looked back at bakugo. "are you not gonna say anything?", mina scolded. "she's selfless. too selfless." he grumbled. "she let them take her just to save us."

i was feeling a bit better today, although i could still barely walk. i'd been sitting in this little cell for way too long and i was bored out of my mind, but at least i knew my friends were safe. just then, i heard a loud boom and crash coming from outside. i heard a familiar voice scream "WHERE IS SHE?!?!" and i knew my friends came for me. they were so stupid! how could they risk all of their lives for me? it's just me, i'm nothing special and their lives would probably be easier without me anyway. i hoisted myself up off the floor to try and get a look out the tiny window. i saw all my friends outside, trying to get in and screaming at the villains. i was touched that they'd come but i wish they'd leave before they got hurt! i stumbled over to the door and tried to open it but it was locked. i yelled for shigaraki to open it but i guess he was outside fighting. i banged on the door, screaming for someone to let me out so i could help my friends, but nobody came. i tried to create a small pick but it just flickered in my hand as i was still weak. suddenly, i was blown back by a blast. i landed roughly on the ground and looked up to see a figure standing in the opening where my wall used to be. "...izuku?" i said softly. he ran over to me and knelt by my side, sitting me up against the wall. "yeah, it's me, are you alright? we were so worried! what did they do to you?" he asked. i could barely make out his features in the dimly lit room but i could tell he was scared. "i'm fine izuku, just go before someone gets hurt. take everyone and leave alright? i'll be ok", i said, taking his hand and giving him a weak smile. he started to tear up, "i'm never gonna leave you again-" iida and ochaco ran into the room, bruised and slightly bloody. "(Y/N)!! oh my gosh i was so worried", ochaco said, throwing her arms around me and bursting into tears. i gasped sharply and she pulled away, covering er mouth with her hands"you're hurt! oh my gosh i'm so sorry how bad is it? come on we've got you let's go home". iida gently slid one arm under my knees and the other one on my back, slowly lifting me up into him so as not to hurt me. i protested, squirming weakly in his arms but he just held me tighter. "midoriya is right, we will never leave you again.", he said softly, his voice breaking. "no, guys it's not worth it ok? you could get hurt or even killed!", i said, my voice hoarse and slightly raspy. "how dare you even suggest that you're not worth saving!" izuku sobbed, "we love you ok? all of us! and we will get you home safe no matter what"

i had just paralyzed a nomu and todoroki froze it, having bakugo break it with an explosion. i ran around frantically, looking for any signs as to where they could be keeping (Y/N), when i saw iida, uraraka, and midoriya running towards us with her in iidas huge arms. i ran over to them and tried to take her from him but he just held her tighter. "she must not be moved more than necessary. she's hurt badly and if we move her it will hurt her more" i nodded and ran to tell the others we had her. just then, a purple portal opened and more villains and nomus came flooding out, overwhelming us.

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