🥦izuku ending🥦

370 11 5

pov: (Y/N)
a gentle breeze lifted my hair slightly as i sat in the grass, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a crown. i hummed as i worked, deftly braiding the stems into an intricate rope and securing the ends to each other. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see izuku, who waved with a smile and sat down beside me. "oh hi izu!" i said, smiling back at him. "hi (Y/N)! what are you doing?" he asked, looking at the flowers in my hands. "ah, this? it's just a little flower crown, and i think i know who to give it to now!" i said, placing it on his head. "aw you look adorable!". he blushed a little and smiled, "really? thanks! i love it!". neither of us really knew what to say after that, and i didn't know if i was imagining it but he seemed to be slowly inching closer to me, maybe subconsciously, like he just wanted to be close. he'd always been so sweet and kind, not to mention his obvious cuteness, and...wait. do i have a crush on him? i never really had time to think about any of that stuff until now, i'm not really sure what to make of it. "hey...(Y/N)?" he asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. "yeah?" "i've been meaning to tell you something for a while now, but i never had the courage...i don't wanna ruin things between us...". i smiled and placed a gentle hand on his forearm, "don't worry izu, i'm not gonna hate you no matter what you tell me. we'll always be friends!". he nodded and took my hand, brushing his thumb along the back of it as he spoke quietly. "well i...i think...no, i know, i like you (Y/N). a lot. like a lot a lot. you're the most amazing person i've ever met and one of my best friends, and i never thought i'd lose you but now that we almost did i got to thinking i don't know what i'd do without you! you're so beautiful and smart and kind and you make everyone's day so much better just by being there. you don't have to love me back, you don't owe me that, but i just wanted you to know" he said softly, meeting my eyes when he was done. "oh izu..." i said softly, bringing my hand up to cup his cheek. "i think...i think i like you too" i smiled, "i never had time to think about it before, and i just kind of stopped myself from feeling anything to avoid complicating things, but now i think i'm ready to love someone. and i want it to be you izuku, if you'll accept me" i said hopefully, and his face lit up in pure joy as he threw his arms around me. "(Y/N), my (Y/N), i never thought i'd actually be yours even though my heart always was". i smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, giggling a little when his face turned beet red. "(Y/N) can i...can i kiss you?" he asked breathlessly, and i hesitated a second in surprise before nodding. he smiled and leaned down slowly, keeping one of his hands on my waist and the other on my upper back as our lips met. it was a gentle, nervous kiss, but sweet and charming nonetheless. after our lips broke contact we didn't fully separate though, letting our faces stay close as i ran my thumb along his freckled cheek. we heard a squeal and jumped apart, looking over quickly to see mina and ocha behind a tree with their phones pointed at us! their smiles were huge as they looked at us with glee, "i knew it!!" i heard ocha say, and i covered my face in embarrassment, pressing myself into izuku's side and turning away from the cameras. he seemed to have the same reaction i did, hiding his face and complaining at them to go away. they sighed, "ugh fine, we'll let you two be alone~", mina said with a wink, running away with ocha close behind. as soon as they were out of sight i turned back to izuku, "ah, sorry about that! they've been trying to get me together with someone all year" i said, but when i looked at him he was positively glowing, his eyes sparkly and cheeks flushed red and smile as wide as the moon. "does this mean...you're my girlfriend?" he asked. "i'd love to be your girlfriend!" i said happily, and he hugged me again, tight, holding me into his chest like he'd been waiting to do this, to have this forever.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now