🦈kirishima ending🦈

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pov: (Y/N)
a gentle breeze lifted my hair slightly as i sat in the grass, picking wildflowers and weaving them into a crown. i hummed as i worked, deftly braiding the stems into an intricate rope and securing the ends to each other. i heard footsteps coming towards me and looked up to see kirishima with a bunch of flowers in his hands. "oh hi! those are so pretty kiri!" i said, and he smiled, "they're for you! i picked the prettiest ones". i stood up and accepted them with a giggle, "aw that's so sweet! thank you!". he blushed as our hands touched briefly, and looked like he was going to say something. i tilted my head to the side a bit, "what's up? did you wanna say something?". "um- well, kind of, yeah. uh, but only if you wanna hear it. i don't wanna mess anything up or make you uncomfortable...". i shook my head, "you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but nothing could ever ruin our friendship ok? i'm never gonna start hating you no matter what!" i said reassuringly, patting his arm. he smiled and nodded, "ok, i've been wanting to tell you for a really long time, but i was just scared. i don't know why, i just kept chickening out! but i'm gonna tell you for real this time ok? (Y/N)...i'm in love with you.". my eyes widened and i was speechless for a moment. "i'm really truly in love with you, i have been for months. you're the most amazing person i've ever met (Y/N) and i want to be with you! only if you'll have me though, i don't want to pressure you into anything" he said, averting his eyes. i smiled and raised my hand, gently turning his face back towards mine. "i want to be with you too kiri", i said softly, and his face lit up like a christmas tree! he threw his arms around me and i hugged him back, letting him lift me off the ground a little as he planted a kiss on my cheek. he spun me around and i laughed, feeling a little disappointed when he set me back down. "i love you kiri" i said, smiling up at him. "i love you too (Y/N)" he said, cupping my face in his hands as the world faded into the background leaving only us.

Voice: BNHA x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now