{Chapter 6}

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Strange Feelings?

As I stepped inside I didn't know what to expect, we were in the middle of nowhere, but there were still streams of people ordering drinks, standing around chatting. That wasn't what surprised me though, what surprised me was the fact that every person in the room was so beautiful, like they'd been cut straight out of a magazine. "This is where I come when I'm bored." Cameron whispered into my ear, I couldn't help but blush. He drew me closer to him, and then started pushing me towards the bar. "What do you want then?" He asked, his proximity getting closer to me, instinctively I relaxed into him. "I'm too young to drink." I shrugged. "They don't care about age here." I thought for a second before finally giving into him. "Fine then, one drink....I'll have a coke." He smiled before catching the bar-persons eye. "Vodka and coke and a beer Whitney." She turned towards us smiling, before doing a double take when she saw me. "You've never brought company before sweetie; it's nice to meet you." She smiled kindly at me, making me blush again.

"What are you talking about; I've brought my sister down here before." Cameron joked, Whitney giggled, placing out drinks in front of us. "You know what I mean Cameron." She carried on smiling as Cameron brought out his wallet. "Don't worry babe, this one is on the house." I rolled my eyes, but tried to push the small pang of jealousy aside. "You know that I just ordered a coke right, and anyway, what are we going to do now?" I asked. He smugly thought for a second as my statement passed through into his brain before taking my hand and pulling me through the crowd of people, he dragged me into what seemed like an outside garden, benches were dotted around the patio and on the grass. "Does everyone know everyone here?" I joked trying to carry on a conversation which was hard since I'd never really been a people person, we both sat on one of the abandoned tables in the far back where it was more excluded, normally I'd be nervous, but there was something about Cameron which just pulled me in. "I don't know, but I guess so, it's always the same people that visit this place since not many people know about it." I breathed in, if not many people knew about it the why did he bring me here?

"So what do you think?" Cameron asked breaking me out of my trance. "How come everyone here is so good looking?" I blurted out, 'shit' I thought biting my tong, 'I think I crossed the line' He thought for a while, taking a few gulps of his beer before responding. "I honestly don't know, but does that include me?" 'Great now you've landed yourself in it.' I fidgeted awkwardly, not sure how to respond to his question, out of the corner of my eye I saw a smug smile play onto his lips. "Come on, you've finished that and it's late, I'll take you home." I frowned, and then inspected my glass. "Weird, when did that disappear?" He laughed out loud, clutching his sides. "Oh my god Jane, you're so weird." He held his hand out to me when he finally stopped. "Come on, I think you've had enough." I ignored him and instead stuck my tong out at him. "Spoil sport." "Whatever you say babe." "Please can we stay for a bit longer?" I asked pleading him with my eyes, he sighed pulling out his phone so he could check the time. "Fine, but only one more hour.... And no more alcohol!" He shouted as I got up and starts back to the bar.

I groaned as the alarm went off yet again on my bedside table, never before had I felt so awful in the morning. Pressing the off button I sat up a little too quickly. "Oh god." I muttered clutching my head; it felt as if the whole room was spinning. "Are you okay?" A guys voice came from the door way. I glared at his statue like figure, leaning against my door frame. He was still wearing the same cloths from last night, a pair of black, ripped skinny jeans, with a grey shirt, accept this morning a few of his buttons were undone showing his broad chiseled chest, I looked away blushing. "How much did I have to drink last night?" I asked trying not to look at him again. He thought for a second. "You ended up having two shots, three vodka's and coke and a WKD." "You let me have that much?" I asked incredulous. He simply shrugged. "How was I to know you were a mega light weight, plus the fact you seemed like you needed to loosen up." "And drinking was the answer to that?" He smiled. "Of course."

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