{Chapter 14}

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Finding My Own Path

*This chapter is dedicated to vjbugn who's keeps voting for my chapters, thanks a lot, it means a lot too me :) x.*

I stared in shock as Cameron retreated back into his office, mixes of emotions were flooding me not only on the inside, and self-consciously I wiped away a tear from my eyes. I bit my lip trying not to let anymore out and making up my mind I called Holly.

            "Holly?" She answered on the second ring. "Jane? Are you alright? Mum said that Katie brought you round ours but you weren't there!" I tried to open my mouth in response, but nothing came out. "Jane?" Holly tried again, the worry in her voice was more visible this time. "Cameron he.... He..." I trailed off unable to finish the sentence. "Where are you?" Holly questioned further. "At work." I choked out; the threatening tears were now rolling down my face, no matter how may times I wiped them they wouldn't stop falling. "I'll call my father and tell him that you're not felling well, just wait outside for me." Holly rushed out then hung up, I stared at my phone for another second before packing up my things; I put on my coat then started for the elevator still in complete shock.

     It didn't take long until Holly's car came into view, but by the time it did my feeling had turned numb. "Oh well, you were fun while it lasted." Those words where drilled into my brain as if I'd been on some kind of disciplinary while in the army. "Jane?" Holly's soothing voice broke me out of my trace as she gently touched my shoulder, just seeing her face again brought back the tears which I'd managed only minutes ago to contain, for so like it had felt like she was my rock, when ever something went wrong she was with me, even when my mother died. "Let's get you back home." She muttered as she started to lead me to her car. "Looks like you got it fixed." I muttered as she kindly opened the door for me. I watched as she made her way back round to her own side, clip in her seat belt and then started the engine. "Holly..." I muttered, I couldn't bring myself to even talk, I felt so broken, as if someone had plunged a knife right into my heart, ripped it out then stomped all over it. "Don't worry Jane, you don't have to tell me anything, I already know what happened." "What?" I croaked out in disbelief, though I wasn't looking at her, her aura sent shivers down my spine, her whole demeanour, her facial expression was so scary I couldn't bring myself to do it, that as well as the fact that she looked so much like her brother. 

     "After your phone call last night I went into the office to see if you were still there, but instead I caught the two of them." "Oh, so what are they, dating or...." I trailed off and looked out of the window, how weak was I that I couldn't even finish that one sentence?  "Holly he looked so scary." I was finally able to spit out after a few minutes silence. Her expression changed into something I couldn't describe then, something that looked like she was ready to explode. But taking a deep breath she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Scary how?" I considered her question, although I had been hurt by Cameron I didn't want Holly to hate him, they were brother and sister after all. "Actually it doesn't matter; I don't think I can work there now though." "Just tell me!" She exploded, veering sharply to the left her car came screeching to a halt, she turned to face me, face livid with anger. Pulling me closer to her she glared into my eye's, the clutch was digging into my side but I ignored it and instead bit my lip, for the second time that day I was truly scared; I had never knew that Holly was able to possess such a temper. "Holly I'm... I'm scared." I meekly managed out, tears where now flowing down my cheeks. "Jane, god I'm sorry! I... I didn't mean too...." As if something had possessed her she released me, eyes wide in fear. "Jane I'm...." "I'm going to walk home, I'll see you later." I somehow managed out, scrambling for my bag I exited the car, normally I didn't like to exercise, I'd only go running when I felt like it which was extremely rare, but for once I didn't care, again I was left alone once Holly had pulled away and disappeared into the distance.

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