{Chapter 19}

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Reunited Friends

I squired slightly in my sleep, cuddling up next to the warmth at the side of me. I had no idea what time or day it was but I hadn't felt this comfy in awhile. Slowly opening my eyes, I welcomed the summer sun which filled Cameron's bedroom with cool refreshing warmth. I tried to sit up slightly but something heavy pulled me back down. Turning around ever so slightly I gazed at what appeared to be Cameron's naked form draped and intertwined with my own. At this point my eyes we're budging out of my sockets, if it wasn't for my hang over I would have mentally scorned myself, but that brought me back to the question at hand.... What exactly had happened last night? I remembered arriving at the gloomy looking night club, then taking a few shots but from there everything else was blank.

       As if sensing that I had squirmed away from his embrace, Cameron's strong arm muscles clutched around my waist and pulled me forcefully back down to him. At the sudden movement and the fact that my head hit the pillow with such force a painful storm erupted inside of my head, it almost felt like someone was purposely banging a hammer onto my brain. "Mine." I thought I heard him mutter as he moved inhumanly closer to me so there was no longer a centimetre of space between us. By now I was fully awake and there was no way that I could get back to sleep again, glancing at his bedside table I saw my phone and just managed to reach it before flipping it open. "Turn that bloody thing off won't you, some people are trying to sleep." I sighed but complied to his request, what would be the point at arguing at eight in the morning? "Don't you have work today?" I questioned him, hoping that he at least wouldn't regret what happened last night once he'd properly woken up. "I don't start till eleven so shut the hell up and cuddle me." I really didn't want to do this, but I guess that I really had no choice in the matter. "It's nearly ten." I easily lied. "Liar, you're hearts beating quicker, what time is it really?" "Eight." I reluctantly muttered in defeat, a small smirk plastered onto his face as he lifted his head up so it was now level with mine. "There is one way to wake me up properly you know." He eyes gleamed in the morning light emphasising his manly features, from his high cheek bones to his slightly odd eyes, his plush kissable pink lips came forward until they met my own. I felt so lost in the contact that I didn't realise what was going on yet again.

"I really do like you, you know Jane." Cameron muttered from beside me, we were both staring up at the ceiling, another forty five minutes had passed by so quickly that it was almost shocking. "Do you?" I asked, propping myself up so I could get a better view of him. "Of course I do." He muttered, sitting up as well so he could give me a lingering kiss in the lips. "You better go back to sleep, no doubt that you'll be sore." Again I hated the fact that he babied me so much, but that was where I was at the cross roads, I hated it because of my pride, but some part of me deep down also loved it, him caring for me, like he actually did care about my well being. "How's your hang over by the way?" I snapped out of my reverie to see him pulling up his work trousers, at this I couldn't help but stare at him in his full glory, how did I manage to possibly end up with someone like him? Noticing me staring he yet again smirked, and as he grabbed his top he sat on the end of the bed. 'Even his back muscle are something else.' I thought to myself as he effortlessly slipped both arms into the holes. "Are you done staring at me?" He joked catching me by surprise,
I turned around so he couldn't see my cheeks heating up at his passing comment. "Sorry." I muttered, embarrassed. His hand griped my chin, slowly turning it so that I was yet again facing him. "Don't be embarrassed Jane, you look so beautiful when you blush."

       I looked around the small mess which was my cloths, debating wether or not to buy something new, yet again Cameron had given me not only a small amount of money, but his credit card as well, saying that I should get some new cloths. If I didn't already know then, that he was Holly's brother, by now it would be pretty obvious. 'I wonder what she's doing now?' I curiously wondered. It had been so long since I'd seen her, what with Cameron suddenly coming back into the picture and helping me get over my two months of moping around, being depressed it hadn't even crossed my mind to call or to even see her. I yet again thought of Holly, what happened all those months ago were now distant memories, our friendship meant more to me at least than one stupid argument. 'But she scared you.' My subconscious annoyingly pointed out, which I knew was right, but she was my best friend.

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