{Chapter 18}

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A moment of Passion, a life time of consequences.

       I awaited for Cameron for what seemed like for ever, even though I would never verbally never admit it there was something deep down inside which missed him, even if I hadn't know him for that long. By six I had showered, changed into more suitable cloths for going out and was waiting for him.

       By the time the small hand on the clock had struck six I was sitting on the couch, ready to see him in what I presumed where date worthy cloths. I wore skinny jeans with a single rip in either knee, as well as a tight fitting red top, along with my favourite black converse. To be honest though I couldn't concentrate on anything apart from counting down the seconds till he'd arrive. Nervously I bit my nails, even if this was basically the first date I was going on, I couldn't help but feel excited, was this normally how all girls would feel? With butterfly squirming in their stomach? Involuntarily my mind wondered back to the time we'd kissed, to a couple of months ago and to last night, there was so much passion and the more we made any kind of contact, even if it was what a simple brush of the skin the more I would want him, no crave him in a more physical and intimate kind of way.

       The sound of my doorbell broke me out of my trace, composing myself I closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths before hurriedly getting up to open the door. As I stared at his figure in front of me I inwardly gasped, he was dressed casual smart, with a white dresses shirt which had been lazily tucked into his black denim jeans, his hair was the usual shaggy mess but as always he looked more than perfect. "Ready to go?" He growled out, simply nodding he took his hand in mine, leading me towards his bike. "One minute."  I turned on my heel, grabbed my helmet from the sofa then went back out to join him, closing and locking the front door safely behind me. "Safety first." I said in a vein attempt to try and make him laugh, but his lips didn't even twitch in amusement. I puffed out my cheeks, but chose to ignore his attitude as I put on my helmet and we both sped away.

"What's wrong?" I tried yet again in a failed attempt to try and get him to talk, he sat opposite me with his eyes glued onto his phone, his fists were clench and he look livid. In the couple of hours we were apart I didn't know what had happened, but something must have if he was having this kind of reaction.
Finally he sighed before leaning back, putting his phone back into his pocket as he did so. "Please talk to me." As he looked up my eyes involuntarily cagey hold of his, they were emitting so many emotions, sadness, love and maybe even hurt? I didn't want to pressure him, so instead I leant back in my chair with a concerned expression plastered onto my face.  "You can trust me you know...." "My fathers gone missing, I don't know what to do." He cut me off, I wasn't offended by this, by now I knew him pretty well, and one thing that I learnt was he hated sharing the smallest things about himself, but as he said that my heart clenched at what he was going through since I had also been going through the exact same thing. "How long for?" I asked reaching over the table and taking my hand in his, in a way to comfort him. "We only discovered yesterday morning, that's why I had to leave." I took one last bite of my lasagne with my free hand before pushing it slightly away from me, taking everything in as I did so. "Do you want a fag?" I asked, giving him a cheesy smile, he narrowed his eyes as if there was some kind of ulterior motive behind the question. "I just told you about my dad, and you ask if I want a cigarette?" His mouth slightly twisted as if he was slightly amused, but it never reached his eyes. "Do you not want one?" I asked again. "I heard that they are great when it comes to stress relief." He gave out a low chuckle, as if he was only just getting the joke. "No lighters, remember." "Well about that...." I muttered, fishing around in my pocket for a few seconds my hand grasped around the soft metal, bringing it out I slid it across the table, his eyes widened when he saw it. "When did you buy this?" "In town today, I told you, you gave me too much money so I decided to be kind." He looked up from the lighter in his hand, a small yet real smile began to play onto his lips, this time his eyes caught mine and as he did so his hand caught mine and he gave it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you."

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