{Chapter 29}

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I ran as quickly as I could out of the gates and down the cobble path, not at all worried about the lack of shoes I wasn't wearing nor the chilly breeze which caused excessive shivers down my spine. I knew it was the wrong thing to do, leaving Caden at Cameron's parents house, but as soon as she said that she'd kill me, I was off and out of the window, fast forward ten minutes as here I am, standing on a long stretch of road in front of me, not knowing what to do or where to go. As another breeze passed over me I shivered yet again, folding my arms to try and contain the minuscule bit of warmth I had left. 'Cameron.' My heart sank, I had no one to turn to since he was away doing what ever he was doing.

Cameron's P.V.O

       "Pretty cool, ain't it" my cousin pointed out, taking a step away from his new prize possession, his brand new bike. I could help but let out a chuckle at his comment. "Not bad but mines better and newer, now are we going train or not, unlike you my wolf is itching to go for a run." He gave the bike a once more over with the polish, making sure there were no marks anywhere before chucking the rag down onto the floor. "I don't know how you do it." He muttered as we existed the garage and started for the private land his family owned out in nowhere, it wasn't that far, but by no means were human permitted to enter. "Do what?" "You've found your mate, haven't you?" My fist clench at his question, how was he able to tell? "Bet you're wondering how I know, eh?" He let out a hearty laugh just as we reached the start of a long stretch of a field, he looked around for any other signs of life, and when there were none he winked at me. "Holly told me, she's human apparently, not just that but her best friend as well?" "She's told you about Jane?" "Course, when ever we came round yours, she was all she'd talk about, made her feel normal apparently." I rolled my eyes, that was a typical Holly move, as much as she enjoyed being a werewolf she enjoyed being a young college girl more, but that still didn't give her the right to tell Sean about my mate. "So what are you going to do? She's human, she'll be...." "I know, but that's the things, there hasn't been a birth of our kind in years, I'm going to use that as my leverage if and when they do find out." Sean stared at me for a second before a half smirk creeped graced his lips. "And that other girl?" "Gone." "Oh how come? She was hot when you brought her over." I rolled my eyes at his playboy ways, though he was quit good looking, if any girls were to get their hopes up about him then it would be like a moth drawn to a flame, they'd always get burnt.
"So when are you going to tell me what happened to 'miss ice queen.'" Sean asked for what felt like the millionth time as we headed inside the house, I thought putting him off the subject and going for a run would make his one track mind forget the subject, but unfortunately I'd been wrong. Unlocking the back door we both took off our shoes as we went straight for the kitchen. "I'm not Sean, there's no need to tell you." "Oh come on man!" He protested flopping down onto one of the kitchen table chairs. "You tell me everything, do you know how weird it is getting information from Holly? All she does it squeal! I refuse to keep her as my source." I shrugged. "Then don't." "Please Cameron!" He whaled like a little kid, stamping his right foot on the ground then crossing his arms, his eyes held a slight hint of amusement but that didn't stop the pout on his face. "Fine, I killed her." There was an odd eery silence after that, neither one of us daring to speak nor mutter a single word.

        My heart clenched as I watched Sean board the plane, in truth it hurt that he was going back to my pack land,  back to my mate, but still there was not a lot I could do about it, he would be the protection that Jane needed right now since it was impossible for me to go home, no matter how much I didn't like it. The truth was he was the only one I trusted enough to give this task to, essentially he was invaluable right now. I rubbed my eyes as i turned around refusing to allow the sadness take over, at least while I was still in public, and left the airport in complete silence, already missing my mate and my baby.

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