{Chapter 26}

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Unresolved Problems.

       I glared at her, still too stunned to say a word, we knew that someone had betrayed my family, it had been so obvious, but then there were three hundred other pack members in our house who had access, not to mention the next door pack who were only a couple of miles away who'd been training us at that time. "You know nothing." I replied coldly meeting her intruding gaze, she just made this so much easier for me, easier for my revenge. "What did he promise you? Money? You betrayed your own pack for your own selfish reasons." My foot lifted off the ground as I was about to advance forward, but then remembered that the tree marked where our territory ended, one step forward was what she wanted, to start a war between our two packs if any one of us were injured. I gave a single growl at her showing my bare white teeth before morphing back into my beast and ran as fast as I could back home. This was definitely not over.
I stormed back into the pack house, slamming doors closed behind me, I caught a few people starting, probably wondering what was going on but ignored it, and instead headed straight for my old room. Once inside I yelled in frustration, and couldn't help but see black. My room was usually neat and pristine and not a thing out of place, a courtesy of the maids, with my bookshelf just by the door and next to it my desk. As my eyes darted around my grey room, and they landed on the guitar my parents had bought me for my fourteenth birthday. My teeth automatically grit at the memory, Will had always been great at playing it and I'd watched to be just like him. Striding across the room I griped it's neck and flung it as hard as I could at the wall opposite me, making three of the strings snap and the neck break in half. "Cameron!" Holly screeched from the door way, bursting into my room and grabbing me before I could reach for anything else, I tried to push her aside, to do anything to get away from her but it was useless, for a female her grip was extremely strong as her arms wrapped around me and she gripped me from behind. I couldn't hold it in anymore, I sunk to my knees and turned around so I could bury my head into her, tears streamed down my face. I didn't just cry for myself, I cried as the memory's I'd suppressed of that night all came flooding back to me, I cried for my brother who I was too weak to protect. "It's okay." Holly muttered running her hand through my hair in a vein attempt to comfort me. "It's all in the past Cameron, it's okay." "But it's not!" I roared sitting up straight so I was looking at her in the eye. "It does because I was too weak to protect him!" "But you shifted that night didn't you!" I looked away, it was true, but it was only after that event happened, the pack doctor had taken a look at me then instantly said that it was because of the stress along with the fact that the alpha title had been passed down to me that I was even able to. "You were young Cameron, only fourteen when you changed, even for an alpha you're strong now, think of what you do have instead of what you lost." I shook my head understanding what she meant, but she didn't know what it was like, she wasn't there to witness our brothers death. I let out a single sigh before looking at her determinedly in the eyes, hers were full of pity with a hint of worry, which was never a very nice combination. "You don't know what it was like Holly, you weren't there." 

Jane's P.V.O

       I was just able to balance Caden on my hip as I stirred the onions in the saucepan, truthfully I had no idea if Cameron was coming home for some food or not, but that didn't stop me from still setting him a place at the table. "Okay then Caden, I'm only going to put you down for a second." I murmured for my own sake, placing him into the buggy so he had a perfect view of me tearing around the kitchen looking for the food. Exasperated I put the chopped onions on a lower heat. Today hadn't been stressful, so much as long, it had really showed just how much was starting to crave my boyfriends presence, which was scary.
       "I'm home!" Forgetting the onions I turned at his voice, before blindingly following it into the hallway. Cameron's usually perfectly styled hair was now shaggy and all over the place, the cloths he was wearing were ripped as well as looking a size or two, too big for him. "Are you alright?" I questioned narrowing my eyes, he gave me one look before shrugging his shoulders, and heading up into our bedroom.
"And he didn't say anything to you?" Holly questioned from the other side of the phone, I made a noise saying no before sitting down on the settee, I was a bit hurt at the fact that Cameron hadn't said anything and had just gone straight upstairs to bed, it was one reason as to why I'd called Holly, but the main reason was that I was genially worried about him, I thought that we had one of those relationships where we could talk to each other about literally anything. "Well he'll be alright soon, just give him time." I narrowed my eyes at her statement, something about the whole situation seemed a bit off but I chose to ignore it, instead we spoke for a bit longer about some trivial things before saying goodbye and I hung up, there was something off about Cameron and Holly, or that's at least what my gut was telling me.
Getting up and off the settee I made my way over to Caden who was now asleep in the buggy. It was now nine at night, just outside the sun had nearly set making the house fall gradually into darkness. My mind absentmindedly wondered as I thought back to the first time I'd met him, how carefree he'd looked even in such an intense place to work. As I picked Caden up he never once opened his eyes, and holding him ever so carefully as if he could break at any second I made my way upstairs to put him to bed.

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