{Chapter 23}

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A Shadow Of The Truth.

       I woke up with a start, beads sweat was rolling off my face and as my coffee brown eyes quickly darted across the room I noticed that I was the only one present. Still shaking only slightly I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand before dangling my legs at the edge of the bed, draping my fluffy Aqua dressing gown over my shoulders and getting up. It was unusual to not find Cameron sleeping next to me, but glancing at the clock I realised that is slept longer than I'd intended to.
       "Cameron?" I called, but when there was no answer I trudged out of our bedroom and along the hall. "What the hell is going on?" I wondered to myself, I remembered the baby from last night, had Cameron perhaps taken him somewhere?
       Just then the front door opened with a bang, I frowned, what the hell was going on? "Cameron?" I tried once again. "Yeah?" Was him gruff, sexy response. "I woke up and you weren't there." I pouted as he emerged from the top of the stairs, Caden was once again in him arms, curled up and sleeping peacefully.  "I'm sorry little one, Caden refused to go to sleep and I didn't want to wake you, so I took him out for a bit." I was shocked to say the least, true that him disappearing recently had upset me quit a bit, but I'd never expected anything so sweet from him.

       "How is he?" I asked as Cameron started towards me. "A terror, but fine, while I was out I also bought him a cot, and everything." I raised an eyebrow, slightly suspicious. "How'd you do that, you don't even have a car?" I'd meant to sound certain, but instead it accidentally came out more like a question. He laughed quietly. "I've always had a car, I just preferred my bike." "Right...." I trailed off. "Can I help you at least unload everything then?" "No, I've also booked a scan for you." My jaw fell, he was being so proactive.

       "So he just booked an appointment for you.... And bought all the baby stuff?" Holly question, a perplexed expression forming on her gorgeous features. "Yeah, I mean, I didn't even think about doing any of that stuff!" I admitted guiltily scratching the back of my head. Cameron had decided to go straight back to work as soon a the door bell rang, again arousing my suspicions. There was something off about them both, neither of them would even accept that each other existed unless there was an extreme circumstance. "It's your first time Jane, don't be to hard on yourself." Holly said soothingly, placing a hand onto my shoulder and giving it a light squeeze. I sighed before in crossing my legs and getting off the bed. "What's even more depressing is that the baby is starting to show." I gestured to my stomach, where my now one month old son and daughter was. "Really? Already?" Holly looked only slightly surprised. "It's small, but I can tell it's there." I shrugged. "Oh my god! I can't wait!" She clapped her hands excitedly. "I still can't believe that I'm going to be an aunt!" "Yeah, and just wait until my dad finds out that he's going to be a grandfather." I muttered under my breath, but Holly seemed to have heard as her head immediately snapped in my direction again just as I let out an inaudible sigh. "You've found him?" She sounded shocked. "More like he found me, Cameron nearly beat the shite out of him." She looked confused for a second, processing everything through her mind. "He's always been hot headed Jane." She sympathetically replied, giving my should just one more tight squeeze with her perfectly manicured hand.

       After another half hour, Holly left, leaving a quiet, eerie silence through out the whole house. Instinctively I put a hand on my stomach, rubbing small circles across my belly. In the past I had to pretend that I was fine being left alone, even though I never realised it I hated it more than anything, but I had to stay strong, after all I was going to be a mother soon, and what would happen when Cameron goes away on work one day? Suddenly a loud whaling came from the room next to mine, I groaned reminding myself that this was going to be good practise.

"Hey there." I cooed at the small boy in the crib, who's ocean blue eyes were staring up into mine. As soon as he's heard me opening the door he'd immediately stopped crying, and instead was gargling up at me with a massive grin on his pale features. As I scooped him up in my arms, something just clicked, natural instinct had taken over, to me the little boy in my arms was now part of my world. "Jane?" Cameron's voice came from downstairs, putting the baby back into his cot I i bounded out of the door, eager to see him. "How was work?" I asked as I reached the banister, a beautiful black oak which was carved into the shape of a black acorn, a one of a kind. "Not bad, got some hard cases on at the moment though." I frowned, I'd never seen him this stressed out before, something had really take. A toll on him. 
       "I was thinking...." I trailed off, unsure of how I was going to word what I was going to say. "About what?" He asked, placing another piece of pasta into his mouth. Without thinking I placed both of my elbows onto the table, my fork lying abandoned on my plate. "I need to go and see my dad." I softly muttered. "What? Why would you need to do that!" He demanded throwing down the fork onto his plate. I blanched slightly, I knew full well of his mood swings by now, but that didn't mean that I was use to them.  "I need to tell him about the baby Cameron, he has a right to know." I tried fighting back, but my voice came out quiet. He simply huffed, while scratching his head. "I can see where you're coming from Jane.... Fine but I'm coming too." He said added. We both held a simply glaring contest
before I broke, to me that seemed fair, I'd feel safe if he came along.

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