{Chapter 30}

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Well here's the next chappy of Scarred Or Broken, hope you guys enjoy reading it just as much as I LOVE writing it xxxx. 

       I lazed in bed staring at the the matt White ceiling above me, thinking about random thoughts. The rose in my room every night when I wasn't on speaking terms with Cameron, to the pitch black wolf I hadn't seen in nearly half a year. I sighed inaudible as I placed my left hand protectively onto my stomach, so many things had happened it was almost as if someone had taken some kind of drama and edited it into my own life. Tomorrow was Christmas Eve, and as I trudged my way down the stairs, Sean smiled up at me from down the hallway. "Had a nice sleep?" He grinned while he cocked his head to the side. "No." I muttered truthfully, since Cameron had gone I hadn't dreamed at all, which actually scared me enough to never sleep. "Can tell you know, those bags under your eyes are massive." He tried but when no reaction came from me he simply sighed. "You really miss him don't you?" I bit my lip as I walked into the kitchen, not ignoring him but instead I seriously considered the question at hand. "Miss him? Yeah I defiantly do, but I need to know how to stand on my own two feet, you know?"
       He listened intently as I said this, sitting down at the kitchen table and watching as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Without saying another word we both lapsed into a comfortable silence, and annoyed at how long my hair had been getting I decided to tie it back into a messy bun before eating. "How are you feeling today?" Sean asked as I pooped the first spoonful into my mouth, after biting a couple of time I swallowed. "Better, not as lethargic as before I suppose." "And what about your next appointment? When is it?" "Not until New Year's Eve, hopefully Cameron will be back by then." I muttered more for myself, I was more than enthusiastic about him finally coming home. "So I'm going to go out for a bit, are you going to be alright alone?" I raised an eye brow. "Seriously? I'm sixteen, old enough to hold a job and have a baby? And you think I might not be able to be alone?" "True, well see you in a bit then." He amended before slipping on some shoes along with his coat and then flew out of the door, making me narrow my eyes. I'd spent a couple of months with him now, learnt all of his tells for when he was lying and so I could easily tell when he was up to something suspicious, and this? It was definitely one of those times.

        "So do you want to do something today?" Holly asked from the other side of the phone, I sighed for what felt like the hundredth time that day, knowing full when where she was planning on taking me, she was that predictable. "I don't really feel like going shopping Holly, the bean has started kicking recently and it's really bugging me." I muttered, which in my eyes was a valid excuse to ditch shopping any day. "Well what about coming round mine then? I could pick you up and....." "No!" I said all most too quickly, then quickly thought of something to amend myself. "I mean that I can barely even get out of bed-" "Come on Jane, don't go back to being plain Jane anymore, you've not been out in ages." "Can you seriously blame me though? As soon as Cameron left some massive guy comes round looking for Caden, claiming to be a family member, some unknown cousin comes round who I never even knew about an-" knock knock. My head whipped round as I stared through the kitchen door to the front door, something seemed off, so instead of carrying on the conversation I bit my lip before hanging up, grabbed the nearest heavy object for protection and used my ninja skills to hide from view, through the window panes you couldn't really see anything accept the silhouette of objects, narrowing my eyes I waited, as did the person on the other side. After a couple of minutes I gave up waiting for who ever it was to leave, and instead creeped forward, still holding onto  the pan so tight that my hand started turning red, but kept it hidden behind my back as a precaution. "Jane?" The voice asked and my heart skipped a beat, ignoring every ounce of common sense I had left I dropped the pan on the floor, abandoning it to fling open the door.
       "Cameron." I breathed out, rubbing my eyes just to make sure that I wasn't going crazy from missing him. "In the flesh, little one." He smiled but I couldn't help but stare, something about him was off, his jet black hair was slightly longer and his eyes still had that shine with the same powerful aura they always contained, but now his skin had dulled slightly, giving him a slightly ghostly pale look, and his muscles had shrank slightly, he looked weaker than I remembered him. When confusion crossed his beautiful features I couldn't hold it in any longer, I ran forward, enclosing my arms around his thin waist. "I've missed you." I muttered taking in the smell of aftershave which was lingering slightly in his body, only just covering up his natural pine wood scent. "I know babe, I'm so sorry, I really didn't mean to be gone for so long." I squeezed him even tighter. "What happened to you, you feel-" "Please Jane, just leave it." He muttered cutting me off mid sentence, nuzzling the edge of my neck.
"Jane I've brought-" Sean started but the stopped, noticing Cameron in front of him. They both stood there staring at each other before a cheeky grin plastered his face. "You're back, how was it?" Sean asked, the two men shared some kind of look before Cameron brushed him off. "Fine I suppose, you don't need to stay here anymore, go home Sean." And with that, Cameron headed inside with out so much as another word, he slammed the door shut behind him.

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