{Chapter 25}

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Cameron's P.V.O

A haunted past

"We need to do something about this." I snapped, leaning back in my fathers office chair while eyeing Jerome's tired face up and down. "How do we even know they were the ones behind this though? It could have been one of our own! Are you really prepared to start a war over some kid!" I couldn't help but let out a growl at the tone in his voice, though my father had trusted him over the years, I'd watched Jerome silently go out of his way to make my fathers life harder than it had to be, I wouldn't be surprised if it was him that had..... "You listen to my orders, and remember your place in my pack." He paled at the tone in my voice, but didn't say a word as he silently left my office. I mentally cursed, when I was younger I couldn't wait to take over the pack, it would have given me leverage to have as many girls as I wanted, but now.... "Are you alright?" I heard Holly's voice causing my head to snap in her direction. "The pack hasn't seen you in a while Cameron..... They're starting to talk." I shrugged my shoulders. "That's not my problem." "Be logical about this, you have a mate and yet no one can find out? Do you even know how many rules you're breaking!" She hissed at me, closing the office door to give us more privacy." "Do you really think that I haven't considered any of this? The elders are already on my tail about settling down!" "Then prove them wrong, show them that you're no longer a hormonal teenager and tell them about Jane." My body instinctively tensed at her words, she was right, but the consequences.... "And then what? Have her and my pup killed? I'm freaking out enough as it is." I looked down at the stack of papers in front of me not wanting to gaze at her sympathetic look. "There has to be a way round it." Holly mumbled scratching the back of her head. There was a few moments silence before I got up. "I'm going for a run, I'll see you later Holly." "WAIT!" "What!" She hesitated for a second obviously out off Ron the tone in my voice. "That girl I saw you with.... What happened to her?" "Why do you want to know?" "Because she was from the River Creaks pack.... And she's suddenly gone missing and now they're attacking us!" I gave out a short huff, when was she seriously going to let this go? "Again, that's not my problem." "Did you kill her?" I stopped dead in my tracks, my hand only just touching the door handle in front of me as I let her words sink deep into my conscious. "If I told you, then I'd have to kill you." I tried to make it sound like a joke, but instead it came out harsher than I'd meant it too.
I ran as fast as I could, my legs were slightly aching rom the amount that I'd ran but ignored it, instead I breathed in the fresh air and committed the feeling of the warm ground to my memory. It had been so long since I'd transformed like this. I slowed down as I came to the boarder of the pack, on the other side would be the river creaks pack, and though they were much smaller than mine, they were still a threat. Silently I stood where I was for a minute or two, just waiting for no apart reason when out of no where, a smaller brow wolf emerged out of the shadows, she glared at me before transforming then getting dressed demanded in a ride tone. "Change, we need to talk." Her voice was so icy and serious it made a low growl in my throat, threatening her not to mess with me, but begrudgingly I complied to her request, dressing in a short sleeved T-shirt and a pair of dark grey training shorts. After slipping on my shoes, she didn't waste a second in grilling me. "Where's my daughter?" I shrugged. "How should I know?" She scoffed, shaking her head. "Because Caden's scent is all over you, now I'll ask you again, where's my daughter and grandson?" Something clicked inside of me and everything made sense, she was that girls mother.... The one that died along with her mate..... I'd murdered them both. "She attacked my pack along with her mate, you know the consequences, every battle has to be approved...." "Cut the crap boy, I want to speak with your alpha." My face darkened at her words. "I'm sure you would, but he's missing." A smug look took over her plump face, and a glint gleamed in her eyes as she eyed me over to see if I was telling the truth or not, when she finally realised that I was she let out a loud roar of laughter. "You don't recognise me, do you kid?" To say I was taken aback was an understatement as she ripped the bobble out of her hair, letting it fall down her back. My eyes widened at the woman in front of me, her heart shaped face with pale blue eyes which were once so full of life, but were now glossed over with something I just couldn't put my finger on. As she smiled, her heart shaped face didn't show an ounce of amusement. True that she had gained quit a bit of weight, but she was still recognisable. "It was you!" I stumbled back a bit, fazed at the woman who my family once trusted to look after me and my two other siblings. "You let them in!" I could feel myself paling as I put two and two together.

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