{Chapter 32}

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Cold blooded killer.

My paws softly hit the ground as I ran as quickly as I could through the forest, skimming past trees and shrubs as they all passed in a veil of colour. 'Alpha, what do you want us to do!' I awaited for a response as my gigantic hit the boarder of the territory line, staring down a slightly smaller grey wolf as I did so who looked as if he wanted to cower back, but the larger muddy brown wolf behind him gave out a threatening snarl as his tail his between his legs. By far I was larger than both of them, and could probably take them down extremely easily, but again that would start a war between the two pack, and a war with permission from the higher ups would be treated as if it was treason. Death. 'Just surround the pack line, nobody goes in or out." Again I kept glaring as Marcus's sandy brown wold stood next to mine, glaring as well at the other two with deadly eyes. Suddenly the muddy wolf transformed with it seemed, feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable with his nudity. "Where's your alpha boy?" He man asked, his eyes narrowing as he tried to stare my wolf down. Heading behind a free I as well changed back into my human state, but on a pair of loose sport shorts and a plain black top, before revealing myself to the vile man. "Can't your pack ever think of anything else to say? You guys sound like a broken record." I stared, my voice void of emotion. "Maybe, but we have our reasons off wanting him." "Care to share?" The small Grey wold next to him growled. "No way in hell, boy."
"Beta Jordan, you be careful how you speak to my son." My fathers voice suddenly boomed, then from out of no where he appeared, accept for the slight flush in his cheeks from the running, he looked clean and immaculate, his pitch black hair was still gelled neatly into place as he strode over to stand next to me. "What do you want?" He demanded at the man known as Beta Jordan. "A battle, the winner takes both packs." He grinned a wolf like grin as he said this, no fear running through him as he spoke to my father, who suddenly spoke up putting an unsettling silence between us. "No deal, our pack is far stronger and bigger in numbers, we have more to loose." I looked at him in confusion as the silence broke between us as the men processed this, and obviously not liking this answer the man sneered. "Then I guess this mean war Alpha Knight, you've brought this upon yourselves."
"What's going on dad?" I asked turning on my feet as the two other wolves disappeared into the bleak black shows of the night, finally once they'd gone he relaxed before letting out a small sigh. "Nothing Cameron, this doesn't concern you." "Obviously it does! I'm the future alpha!" "I said stand down son!" His voice echoed through the trees making it sound ten times louder than it was, Marcus was watching us both from a few feet away, but there was nothing that I could do, he was still the alpha. 

       I slammed open the front door, when suddenly a loud squeal sounded from the living room, immediately my senses were on alert to protect Jane but as I rounded the corner my heart skipped a beat. "Cameron?" Her eyes were wide as she straightened up, her long neat hair pulled back into a bun and the pyjamas now only just fit her slender body as the little bean was now extremely recognisable. "What's going on?" "Nothing Jane." She waited a moment before grinning from ear to ear, seeming excited about something. "Well I've got a surprise for you, go get your pyjamas on then meet me back down here." I frowned and was about to open my mouth to protest, but her raised eye brows told me not to argue, so begrudgingly I trudged up the stairs, refusing to admit how whipped I really was.

       "What is all this?" I questioned as I walked in scanning the living room, until my eyes landed onto the coffee table where a jar of Nutella along with two packets off different flavoured crisps where nearly lined up. "Well, you choose a movie, what ever crisps you want then we can watch it, let's call it a date night." She finished while gazing at me reaction, but as everything was processing in my brain she suddenly became frantic, her cute face falling and her shoulders slumped down as if she had the weight of the world on them. "You don't like it?" I didn't say a thing, but instead strode forward, engulfing her into a hug, I couldn't even form a coherent sentence, though my mood had been low a little more than ten minutes ago, what she had done was not just romantic but caring as well. "I love it, little one."
I awaited for Janes reaction as the movie ended, it wasn't her kind of film that I knew, but at the same time I quite enjoyed the psychological side of it, the reason as to why Hannibal was so messed up, as well as the way he showed his love to the main woman, I relaxed slightly in my chair, my little mate was in my arms with her head resting on my lap, just as the credits rolled over she gave out an inaudible sigh, one that was so quiet that normal human ears wouldn't be able to detect it. "Well you're right about one thing." She spoke softly as one strand of hair fell across her face as she spoke, but just as it had fallen she immediately flicked it back into place. "And what's that?" "Crisps and chocolate spread go well together." I couldn't help but laugh at this, her enthusiasm always astounded me. "What about the movie?" She shrugged, a blank expression plastered into her face. "It's not really my kind of thing, but if it makes you happy....." That all I needed to hear, before she could even finish her sentence my lips were on hers, I watched as she slowly closed her eyes at the sudden notion, and her body relaxed as I shifted her so she was positioned beneath me, my strong arms either side of her in a protective kind of manner. Slowly I left her lips to venture downwards until I came to her mark, slowly I kissed it knowing that it would send small shivers down her spine in a euphoric kind of way. "Cameron." She muttered, her breathing coming out heavier as she twitched slightly beneath me. "I love you Jane." I muttered before once again attacking her lips with my own, to me they tasted a bit chapped, having not drank anything in a while, but the scent of honey and vanilla was too overpowering to ignore. I didn't expect her to say it back, so when she arched her small frame into my own and before attacking my lips, when she muttered "I love you too." It came as a surprise, I knew that she loved me, her actions shower just how much she cared, but then hearing her say it drove my heart into such a frenzy that I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Eventually we slowed down, and just as we stopped I rested me forehead against hers, again taking in her wonderful scent as it hit me in another wave.

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