{Chapter 22}

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The Attack

I hung onto the back of Cameron's jacket as he drove us both back home, the wind whipping past me as we continued on. By the time we both did get back the angry face which had been plastered onto his handsome features had fully disappeared and was replaced by his usual poker face, so it was almost impossible to know what he was thinking. As I un-clipped my helmet I realised that I need contact from him, it seemed that whenever I let go, it was like letting go of my life support, I needed him to survive, so before I could even consider what I was doing, I caught hold of his jacket as he began to turn and head inside. A bit shocked he turned around, but then seeing my hand firmly gripping his sleeve he seemed to relax slightly. "Are you alright Jane?" He asked, coming towards me and taking both of my hands in his. I tried to surprise the sudden sparks, but it was difficult, for some reason I needed him. Without warning I dragged him inside.
"Wow, since when did you like to take charge little one?" He asked wrapping an arm protectively around my waist, the remaining Mac Donald's lay forgotten downstairs on the kitchen table, it was a shame, but neither of us were really very hungry.

Cameron's P.V.O

"What just happened?" Jane suddenly asked sitting up a little, I thought for a second before it hit me, she'd gone into heat, yet she didn't know because she'd completely given into her instincts. I was about to open my mouth to respond but couldn't think of any excuse. 'Cameron.' Jerome's voice came through the mind-link, I had to suppress a growl, all of them knew better than to ruin my tome with my mate! 'What do you want!' I snapped back at him, sometimes it was like he had a death wish with the way he talked to me.
I had to shove that thought into the back of my mind as I lovingly looked down at my little mate in my arms, she was now snuggled so deeply into my chest, that I couldn't help but let out a growl of satisfaction. 'Rouges have been spotted around the pack house, nobody knows how they got in but the women and children are locked in the safe room downstairs.' I mentally swore, I didn't like leaving Jane like this but it looked like I had no choice.

I ran as quickly as I could, my cloths were held tightly between my teeth but apart from that, I ran blindly towards the pack house. 'Not again!' I thought to myself, true that I was older and stronger than last time, but the pain of loosing a family member, as soon as they die was immense and excruciatingly painful, every pack member can feel it, especially since the cub that died had been the future alpha.

I skidded to a stop outside of the pack house, glancing around to try and see any sudden movements from around me, but there was nothing. I didn't know what to do, I'd trained for this ever since I was little bit none of that knowledge was coming back to me, if was of I was at two endless crossroads, unknowing of what to do.

Suddenly my instincts took over me, I allowed myself to take in the scents of the pack members, and then other scents which I was not so familiar with. Taking one last breath to make sure that I committed those to memory I started forward, eager to find if they were the reason that my father way missing.

       I growled when I saw one of them, it was a small chocolate brown wolf which was almost half my size, but that didn't stop me from seeing it as a threat. As I advanced forward she cowered slightly before her hackles rose and she growled, she sounded slightly scared but I pushed that thought aside, sympathy for her might case me to hesitate, and that in itself would be fatal, sealing my death. Jumping onto her I bit down hard onto her neck, until I head a satisfactory crack, and then got off her, chucking her body to the side of me. I could taste her bitter metallic blood around my muzzle but that didn't faze me in the slightest, I'd killed enough rouges by now. Shifting back into my human for I heard a distant noise, so I slipped on my cloths as quickly a I could.

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