{Chapter 31}

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Christmas Dinner.

       I looked down at my little mate in my arms as we both lay in our bed, her head was resting on my chest with one leg draped over both of mine, her breathing was slow and heavy. Over the months I had been away it had been unbearable, I couldn't help but regret the distance but I hadn't had a choice, my cousins pack was in danger, I couldn't just abandon him. Once again a looked at my little mate laying in my arms, her long platinum blonde hair was splayed out over our bed, and as I moved only slightly she sighed in content as she moved her head so she hear the sound of my heart beat. Gradually I was able to remove my eyes from her face to look down at our pup, her belly already look humungous on her small frame, but it also have her some kind of unknowing glow. 'Mum, wheres Caden?' I asked over mind link, but when I didn't get a reply I gave out a growl in frustration. Since my dad came home not that long ago she'd become more distant, more secretive. "Cameron?" Jane muttered, moving slightly on my chest. "What's up princess?" I asked concerned. "What day is it?" "Christmas...." "Oh my god! I promised Holly that I'd go round later." "Jane-" I tried but she was already sitting up then running around the room, trying to find something to get dressed into. "I've got to get the presents then the cake-" "What cake... No look there's something that I need to talk to you about." I mentally scolded myself for going off topic. "Okay?" "Look my parents don't know, about us." She took a deep breath in, closing her eyes. "Why not?" "Because they can't know." "Is there something you're not telling me Cameron?" Jane frowned looking directly into my eyes as she straightened herself up from picking up a jumper. "Please princess, they just can't know." "And are you going to tell me why?" She snapped, waiting for an answer she never once looked away, her coffee brown eyes stared daggers into mine sending a cold chill down my spine. "Believe me." I stood from the bed, ever so slowly approaching her as if she'd run away at any second if I made one wrong move, just like a baby deer which had been caught in the headlights of a car. Once we were both only centimetres apart I took one of her hands in mine while I used the other to stroke her cheek, as we did this our eyes never once left each other's. "I would tell them if I could, but please, trust me." She continued staring at me for a couple of seconds, her eyes boring into my own as if she was looking for some kind of answer without even having to ask, but after a couple of seconds she sighed. "Okay Cameron, I trust you, but please one day, can you tell me?" "One day little one, I'll tell you everything."

"Jane, we've not seen you for a while, come on in." I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stared at her, for some reason she didn't seem like the same woman anymore, in fact she looked completely different, what she said shouldn't have had such an effect on me but it was strange, as she'd said the words 'we'd have to kill' it was almost like a demonic aura had settled around her. "Thank you." I said giving her a tight lipped smile. As I pushed passed her through the archway though she froze, her eyes growing wide. "Jane are you-" "Jane!" Holly's voice echoed around the house as she ran down the stairs and all too soon she'd engulfed me into a great big hug. "Come on, Caden's awake, and he's been missing his mummy." She whispered the latter part into my ear so that her mum didn't hear. At the mention of Caden my heart skipped a beat, I had missed him so much and with Cameron home that meant that it should be safe to take him back. "Lead the way." I grinned as Holly linked her arm with my own, leading the way.
I hated Holly's house as well so loved it, the size was immense and spacious, but at the same time when there weren't many people renting out a room it could also have a certain loneliness to it because of its sheer massive size. But as Holly lead the way down the hall through the kitchen and through the dining room, people were pooled about the place giving it a kind of a homely feel. "Here's the little guy." Holly muttered enthusiastically as we both came into the living room where Caden was wriggling about in a push chair, as I came into view the seven month old looked up at me and began to grin, to say that I was shocked would be an understatement, before he's only had a few wisps of half on his head, but now in the short amount of time that I hadn't seen him he was already beginning to sit up himself, and grinned at me as if I hadn't even been away. "His hairs grown." I frowned, his hair was already a thick dark brown which reached his ears, and as I stared at him a pang on sadness flooded all over my entire being. "Yeah it just suddenly came, plus he's sitting up all by himself, and if you support him he loves to stand." "Seriously?" I raised an eye brow. "Yeah, watch." I moved out the way and watch in astonishment as Holly lifted him out of the buggy, then placing him on the floor his little feet hung as Holly held onto his arms and his feet carefully reached the floor. Once he'd finally gained a bit of confidence as he'd finally balanced himself, he grinned up at me with a toothy grin. "He's also getting his teeth through?" "Yeah, he literally screamed the house down." Holly tried to joke as she picked Caden up again and hugged him, but it was in vein, I hadn't even been able to protect Caden when that man came, which made me feel more than awful, then even when I had the chance to visit him while Cameron was away I couldn't because Sean had put the whole house on lock down, he'd even ended up calling the College and getting my corse work delivered for me, so I didn't have a single excuse to leave his sight. "I feel awful Holly, how am suppose to protect the little bean if I can't even look after Caden properly?" Holly thought for a couple of seconds as she handed me the little boy that I happily called my son, then smirked. "You will protect them both, and do you know why?" I frowned. "Why?" "Because they're both your children, and you already have the parenting instinct." "The what?" "The look on your face shows just how much your missed the boy Jane, and you've only been separated for three months, you already think of him as your own."

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