{Chapter 7}

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His Mate

This Morning I awoke before my alarm even had a chance to go off; I'd never really been a morning person but since I'd had a late night last night; it was almost impossible to open my eyes, yet after an hour of trying I couldn't sleep either. 'Oh god' I thought to myself, groaning. After another five more minutes I forced myself to sit up, my body was instantly protesting by sending a ripple of coldness down my spine, as if it was trying to force me back into my bed.

I groaned as I walked into school with Holly, I was still half asleep as I made my way towards my form room. Ever since last night I couldn't get Cameron off my mind; his eyes had followed me until the very moment the door had closed. Truthfully I still hadn't worked out what this feeling was, was I actually starting to care for him? Or it could just be lust. That was something I needed to figure out before I told anyone. "Jane?" I jumped as Holly slightly shook my shoulder. I tried to compose myself before I smiled at her. "Sorry.... I umm, didn't get must sleep last night, I had to finish off that homework." That was a hopeless lie on my part since I had never been one to do my homework at the last minute, out of the corner of my eye I could seeing Holley eyeing me, but chose to let it go; instead we both opened the door and went inside our form room.

Cameron's P.V.O

I twisted and turned in my bed for what felt like all night long,  when morning finally came I was more than enthusiastic to get up, I knew why this was happening, I knew when I first saw her who she was. It's the smell that gets to you first; then there was her smell of vanilla and chestnut that day that was just too overpowering. But when my eyes finally caught hold of hers, I knew just who she was.... She was my Mate. I groaned as I slid down the tile wall, the warm shower water trickling down my hair then onto my face, I knew how ridiculous this must look but it was a vain attempt to try and clear my head of her. This couldn't happen at such a worse time; the reason as to why I came back in the first place, that's what I needed to focus on; to me she was yet another distraction.

I made up my mind as I turned off the shower, and then grabbing the towel I tied it around my waist. I had to do something about her, my wolf was too comfortable with having her around, so cutting ties with her completely would be impossible, so the only other option was too mate with her, or to at least mark her. That way other males would know that she was mine and it would get the process out of the way, so I could concentrate on why I came back in the first place. I smiled to myself as I thought about her, her long thick blond hair which cascaded down her back, her coffee brown eyes.... I didn't know what was more perfect about her. But then there was her thin body, with curves in all of the right places. I banged my head on my glass mirror trying to get rid of the image of her, cracking it slightly in the process. This was why I needed to do something about this problem, and fast....

Jane's P.V.O

"Oh my god school was so long!" Ruth complained as we all walked out of the gates, Marcus was trailing behind us, carrying both his and her bag in his arms. "Why do you still come then if you hate it so much?" Holly muttered, quickly I elbowed her in the side, either she didn't head what Holly said or she chose to ignore it, though chances where it was the latter option, Ruth had never been very grown up. "At least it's a nice day." Marcus piped up, being the typical optimist he usually was. "That's true." Holly smiled at him. I listened to them in silence for a while longer until we all got to the park, and sighing I tried my hardest not to pay attention to any of the gossip, I lay on the grass looking up at the clouds.

It had nearly been two weeks since I'd seen any sight of Cameron, school had continued as usual, but then on the plus side I had a phone call not long ago stating that starting this weekend I would be working at the company I'd applied for not that long ago, which of course I was would have been the moon about; but it depended on if I could see Cameron again. 'Urgh!'Mentally I slapped myself. 'Bad Jane, no thinking about him.' But I couldn't help it; there was just something about him. His odd green eye, gruff irresistible voice. I sighed, I really needed to go for a long; surely these thoughts weren't good for me.

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