{Chapter 28}

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What's hidden, stays buried

"So what would you like to drink?" I asked Sam as I closed the door once Callie had left. Sam who had been watching curiously from behind me had a small frown plastered onto her cute features opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but then closed it as of thinking better of it. "Since when do you have a son?" She questioned almost absentmindedly. "My boyfriend found him not that long ago, abandoned." "And you believe that?" She asked, one eye brow raised. "I trust him, now drink?" "A wkd would suite me." I nodded then paced into the kitchen.
Entering back into the living room I found her sat on the sofa, staring into space, a small inaudible sigh escaped my lips before I place. Her bottle into the end table. "Who is your boyfriend?" She asked. "Why do you want to know?" "I'm just curious, there's no pictures of you and him anywhere, it's just....." "Weird?" I smiled. "Maybe it is, but we've been a bit too busy to take any vacations or anything." "How long have you been together then?" I took a gulp of my Coke, thinking over her question. "About three months."

"Weeeeee, I'm a fairy!" Sam shouted, bouncing up and down on my bed, I couldn't help but giggle at her. After two WKD's, three shots and a whole lot of red bull she was completely different to the girl I'd known only two hours ago. "Sam you're going to wake Caden." I hissed, and of if on cue his cries could be heard from down the hall. I groaned, he'd defiantly be cranky tomorrow after this. "Oops, wasn't me! It was the demon king who's out to get me!." She giggle, running out of the room and down the stairs. I just rolled my eyes, then followed the crying down the hall util I got to his room. Picking him up I cradled him close to me, rocking him as I did so. "Shhhh." I muttered lowly, bobbing him up and down, he gave out a small, cute yawn before closing his eyes again and drifted off.

I made my way down the stairs as quietly as possible, one thing was for sure, there was no way Sam could go home tonight, judging by how she'd been acting earlier she was completely hammered. "Sam?" I called out in a quiet tone, when there was no answer I opened the living room door a crack to find her sprawled out on the sofa, her breathing was soft yet shallow, and her hair which had earlier been tied into a neat bun was now sprawled over her face in messy waves. I smiled at the sight, before pulling off one of the other blankets from the other settee to drape over her. As I did so she muttered an inaudible, incoherent word which sounded a bit like "thank you." Before she was yet again dead to the world.

       I pottered around the kitchen in my batman slippers and my brand new cream, sink robe the next morning. Taking out four slices of bread from the bread bin I popped them into the toaster before emptying the water from the kettle to prepare two cups of coffee. "Morning." Sam muttered shuffling slowly into the kitchen before slowly taking a seat, she put her head onto the table. "I'm in so much pain!" She moaned. "You want some coffee?" I offered, gesturing to the kettle, she nodded eagerly. "With two pain killers please, anything that'll help."

       After Sam had left I spend the rest of the day cleaning around the house while Caden sat in his high chair as I did so, innocently watching me with wide, blue green eyes. I was almost done dusting and polishing the dining room table when a loud, angry like knock sounded at the door. I looked at Caden, a bit perplexed which made him giggle before taking off my gloves to go an answer it. 
       A large bulky man which stood around six foot four towered above my small frame, to looked a bit taken aback when he was me in my sweats, but I wasn't too fussed about my appearance. The coal like eyes glowered down at me, analysing me  and ranking in my appearance. His gruff jaw seemed to click as he heard the crying from behind me. "Where's my grandson." He demanded. "Grandson?" "Caden Oliver Michaels."  I stared open mouthed at him, if he thought that he was going to come in here and just take him before giving me any proof that they were blood related then he was wrong. "He's gone, with Cameron." I easily lied as the whales got louder, Caden never  liked being alone, not for one fraction of a second. The older man glared at me, before snorting and spotting something onto the grass. "Then why's there crying coming from inside your house, girl?" He asked, his menacing eyes narrowed into small slits. "That's my daughter, she hates being left alone." "Name?" He snapped. "None of your business." I fought back. "Fine" he snapped, finally backing away to give me some room to breath. "I'll be back."
I nervously paced inside my house, not knowing what to do with myself, Cameron had only just left, he'd be gone for a while meaning that I'd have to defend myself from that brute. I began to absentmindedly chew on my nails, a bad habit which I had given up a long time ago, when my phone vibrated from inside my pocket. "Hey little one, missing me already?" Cameron joked from the other side of the phone, causing my cheeks to instantly heat up at his nickname for me, but I shook my head, now was not the time for this. "Cameron I'm scared." I muttered, Caden was still curiously watching me. "What's wrong?" He demanded, his mood switching as quick as a switch. "This man was just here, he claimed to be Caden's grandfather, he.... Shouting in the back ground cut me off, Cameron swore at whoever it was before giving me him full, undivided attention yet again. "Babe, take Caden and leave, get Holly to pick you up and take you round hers, I'll be back soon." "But you said....." "I don't care! Baby, remember that man I told you about? That hurt my brother?" I instantly paled, not liking where this was going. "That man you saw, I think it was him."
       As soon as I'd put the phone down I rang Holly then ran around the house packing two bags, one for me then one for Caden. Within twenty minutes there was a soft nock on the door, Holly's smile faded as she saw my panic stricken face and was instead replaced with one of confusion. "What's going on Jane?" She asked. "A man was here, he claimed to be Caden's grandfather." She shrugged as if she was oblivious to be situation. "So what?" "Holly, Cameron thinks that she the one that killed your brother."

       After putting Caden into the car we both slammed the doors shut, put out seat belts on then sped off down the road. I felt shaky with adrenalin, the blood coursing through my vein and pumping as hard as it could. I swallowed, my throat felt terribly dry, but there was no way I was going to tell Holly, I was too scared to shop at any random gas station. There was an unbearable pregnant silence between us as neither of us dared to say anything until the automatic gates opened up at the front of the house and we both sped inside. "Are you two okay?" Holly's mum asked from the living room as Holly banged the front door shut behind us. "No! Everything's not fine!" "Dearie, what's wrong?" Holly's mum asked putting her paper now and standing up. "I'm going to ask you this, just once..... How did my brother die?" She looked at the ground, perplexed. "He died of natural causes honey, we've already told you that." Her mum said a vein attempt to sooth her, but Holly was having none of it, instead she tore herself from her mums embrace, tears falling from her dull, lifeless like eyes. "Why are you lying to me! He was murdered!" "How told you that honey?" She gave me a slight glance before spitting out. "Because I've found the video."
Her parents stated at her, eyes wide in disbelief and to say that they were shock would be the understatement of the year. "You're the one who took it?" Her mum asked, her expression was blank as if she's just seen a ghost for the first time. "Yeah, I didn't have solid proof, so I've tried to ignore it for all these years, but now Cameron has confirmed my suspicions! Why didn't you tell me?" Her voice grew quieter as she asked the question, her parents who'd looked shock exchange glances before their features finally softened. "We were protecting you Holly, like we always do." Her mum stated softly, Approaching her she began to stroke her hair in a soothing motion which seemed to work, kind of. "What ever." She muttered turning on the balls of her feet and running up stairs to her bedroom.
"Holly?" I asked, quietly knocking on her bedroom door. I could hear soft sobbing coming from inside so when I opened the door, it was no surprise that she was cuddled up with her old favourite teddy bear. "I've not seen Blakey in years." I muttered sitting next to her. "Will gave him to me." She muttered bringing him in closer to her so she was squeezing him to death. "Were you two close?" I asked, trying to get her to open up and to talk. "We were as close as walkers cheese and onion crisps and Nutella, which is the best thing ever." She muttered letting out a dry chuckle. Thinking about the combination made me blanch. "Ew, who has that?" "Me and Will saw it on some show, liked it so we would have it once a week in front of the tv." Suddenly a small yawn escaped from her lips, leaning back in her on the bed she closed her eyes, then stretched. "I'm going to sleep Jane, you staying with me or...." I smiled, for the past few years I'd known her she'd always been one to clamber into my bed whatever she'd had a bad dream, it had happened so often it was just something I'd gotten use to. "Sure Holly, your mums got Caden, let me just go and check on him.
       Trudging down the stairs I could easily hear quiet whispers coming from the living room at first I could barley even hear them, but after a while they became more prominent, louder, they even began to shout at each other before remember they weren't alone, and began to whisper angrily to each other. "What the hell is she doing with that baby?" I heard who I thought was Jerome whisper to someone. "No idea, I've not had a chance to talk to Holly yet, but something must have ticked her off regarding to her brother." "Do you think it could have been..." Jerome started but Holly's mum cut him off. "No way, she's just an unsuspecting human remember." "And what if she does learn the truth." The was a moments silence, the whole house echoed from the blaring wind outside as I aired with baited breath. My mother had once told me that some secrets were best left buried, or thrown away and forgotten, but I'd always disagreed with her, knowing secrets is knowing the person, and without that it's like you don't even know half of who they really are. Holly's mum cleared her throat before she sighed, as if this was an answer she was afraid to even admit to herself, and the one woman figure that I'd grown to love since my mums passing uttered seven simple words that sent chills down my spine. "Then I'll have to kill her Jerome."


Urgh, I am so going to regret staying up this late tomorrow morning..... Well, I hate getting up in the mornings Anyways 😂 enjoy Guys, the plots thickening.



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