{Chapter 12}

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A New Perspective.

I won't lie when I say that I actually like school, I mean who does? But since it was my last year here I'd been trying to at least boost my grades, GCSE's where about to start soon, and to get the worst grade as possible was not an option, in fact it was scar my record for the rest of my life. I knew that Ruth would already be here, but right now I couldn't face her questioning, so for the last twenty minutes before class I made my way towards the library.

       "Jane! This is a surprise." I almost jumped out of my skin at the sound of Mrs. Mitchell's voice. She was a kind, older teacher, and now at the age 65 people were expecting her to retire soon, but from what Holly had told me she was having non of it. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a neat bun, and her eye's never showed anything but kindness as well as her smile which was very contagious. As she began to walk towards me her long skirt flowed softly. "I was just on my way to the library since the exams start soon." I explained as she beamed down at me. "I'll walk with you, since I was just on my way over there anyway."  We both walked in complete silence, I had no idea what to say to her, I'd never particularly been a people's person, in fact until I'd met Cameron I never really went out at all unless we either needed food at home or Holly would drag me out shopping. "So I heard that you've not been feeling too well?" She asked. "What? Oh no, but Holly and her brother have been looking after me." "Brother? I didn't know that Holly had a brother." "Umm yeah, Cameron, he came to the hospital everyday to visit me." "And you like him?" She asked as she reached for the library door and she opened it for me. "Yeah I guess, but how did you know that?" "Dear, it's easy to tell, your face lit up when you were talking about him." I looked up at her smiling face.

       "I don't think he likes me though." I muttered, pouting. "How do you know that Jane? I mean you just said that he's stayed with you for almost a week in the hospital." "I suppose." I sighed. "Well, why don't you ask him first? But not now, by the sound of it you've not known him that long so it's best if you just wait for a month or two, I've learnt that from personal experience." She let out a small low chuckle which was drowned out by the sound of the school bell. We were both still stood in the entrance and blocking the keen as well as the early risers from getting class. "Sorry Miss, I've got to go." "Bye Jane." I smiled at her once more, before running off to my form room.

       "How was school today?" Cameron asked handing me a black helmet. He just smiled, leaning forward on his bike so we were only inches apart. "What's this? I questioned him skeptically. "Take a closer look." I turned the helmet round, trying to find what he meant; my eye's lit up as soon as I saw that it had been specially designed. "When did you get this done?" I questioned, still slightly in shock. "While you were in the hospital, think of it as a discharge present." I stared at it in disbelief, covering half the helmet was my name, in baby blue letters; it was a simple yet a thoughtful gesture which made a massive smile spread across my face. "What do you think?" "Why though? I mean, why did you buy this?" "Well since Holly has her plate full recently I suggested that I can take you to school and back." "Why, what's she doing? She wasn't in school today?" "But she has to repeat the year, so she already knows what most of the curriculum will be." "Oh." I looked down at the ground feeling stupid. "Come on, let's get you home." "Cameron." I muttered before getting on. "Yes Jane?" I could feel myself blush slightly, who knew that such a simple and yet kind gesture could make me feel so soft inside. "Can you help me put this on please?"

       The couple of days left I had of school ended quit suddenly, and as the weekend approached I became more apprehensive about work. As I stared in the mirror, the ghostly face, and brown eyed girl stared back at me. "Do we have to go?" I questioned, Cameron looked up from his doing up his shirt, giving me a kind smile. "Why? are you scared?" "Of course I am, last time I went in, I ended up in the hospital!" His smile never wavered as he stopped what he was doing, and then walked forward to embrace me. "I know what you mean, don't worry, it'll never happen again."

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