{Chapter 27}

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Don't Say Goodbye

       Whole crowds were gathered as I made my way out of college, holly who'd been walking next to me gave me a questioning look which I returned with a shrug. Instead we both steered clear and kept away from the mass of people as we both made our way towards her car. I was about to open the door when suddenly a hand on my shoulder made my heart skip a beat, adrenaline coursed through my veins as I turned round to look into his eyes. "What are you doing here? I thought you were working till late?" A asked, not being able to help the smile which was now plastered onto my ecstatic face. "I wouldn't get to see you if I didn't come down, thought I'd come and surprise you." Cameron chuckled lowly. I ignored the stares I was getting from everyone, in fact I even ignored the now curious gaze Holly gave us, I wanted to throw my arms around him, and what stopped me? Maybe the fifty pair of eyes who were watching our every move. "Listen Jane." Cameron hissed lowly, just loud enough for me to hear him. "Don't frown or anything, just listen." "Okay?" I muttered slightly concerned. "I actually came here to say goodbye."
My eyes widened, my heart sped up and adrenaline kicked in, I couldn't help it as my mouth hung open. "What do you mean goodbye?" "Jane...." "No Cameron, you can't just show up at my college, then expect me to say goodbye to you without getting angry, where are you even going!" "I can't say." "Well, when will you be back?" "I'm not too sure." "So you really can't tell me anything?" I asked, disappointment laced into my voice, by now the sun was starting to set casting a perfect shadow onto his unblemished face. His eyes were staring into mine as if pleading me to not only trust him but to also not make a scene. I took a hesitant single breath in, trying to clear all negative emotions before opening them again and giving him a single sweet smile, pushing all the volcano of feeling I felt to one side. "Don't worry little one, I'll be back as soon as I can." He muttered, before placing his hand onto my now only slightly noticeable baby bump. "I know you will Cameron."

"What did he want?" Holly questioned more interested in her nails as I opened the car door. I waited until it was closed before letting the tears fall. I cried uncontrollably into the crook of Holly's neck, nothing made any sense to me, why was he leaving? Did I do something?" "What did he say?" She asked once again, I took shaky breaths trying to control my breathing. "He's leaving." I answered, I awaited for a reaction, but when i didn't hear one I grew all the more curious. "Do you know why he's gone?" "No." She answered a bit to abruptly for my liking. "Do you know when he's coming back?" "Again no." Holly's car screeched to a break at the side of the road, I noticed that she was now breathing heavily but ignored it. Eventually after calming down she turned the car into the opus use direction then started forward once more. "Holly, where are we going?" I skeptically asked, but when I didn't get an answer I huffed.
"Why are we here?" I questioned looking up at the huge sky scraper building. "Cameron will be here, go say goodbye properly or you'll regret it." My eyes widened, it had been no secret that she had t approved of our relationship, but was she really helping us? "Holly...." "I'm not doing this for him, this is for my future niece or nephew, the two of you need to know the truth."

"Name?" The lady behind the desk asked without even sparing me a second glance, instead the sound of clicking from the key board could easily be heard from her perfectly manicured nails. "Jane Levi." "And do you have an appointment?" "Just tell Cameron that I'm here." I snapped, loosing the last bit of patience I had with her. "One moment then please." She simply muttered before turning her back to me and disappearing somewhere out of sight. Once she emerged a few seconds later she grimaced. "Mr. Knight isn't available, he's gone out of the country for a few months." My blood boiled at the tone in her voice, as if she was sneering at my misfortune. "Fuck it." I muttered under my breath.
       Once I reached to tenth floor the all too familiar figure behind the desk made my heart skip a beat, I hadn't seen nor heard from Sam in so long. Her honey coloured hair was tired back into a neat bun, where as her grey stormy eyes were caked with too much makeup, she hadn't changed at all. "Jane!" Sam sounded surprised as the lift doors opened, luckily I'd covered my baby bum so people around me couldn't yet see it, and it was times like these I was happy about that fact. "Sam, long time no see, how are you?" "Good, not seen you for a while, are you doing okay?" My fact heated up. "Yeah I'm fine, I don't suppose you could let me in, could you?" "To see Mr. Knight?" She questioningly asked cocking her head to the side, as if mimicking a cocker spaniel. "I suppose so." She looked a bit taken aback, but quickly recomposed herself. "He doesn't want anybody disturbing him at the minute, he's busy finishing off paperwork before going away...." "Please Sam, you know I would t be here unless it was important." She gazed intently into my eyes before giving one last final sigh in defeat, and buzzed me in.

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