09 - Boyfriend!

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Louis POV 

Going back to school turned out to be a bit better than usual. Craig still gave me his usual shit, but I had Harry now. And Craig didn't seem to bother me as much with Harry around. Not to mention Niall started hanging out with us more. I was begining to feel like something in my life was actually going right for a change. 

About bloody time. 

Well aside from the whole 'family' thing. Can I even call them that anymore? Harry was still upset about our date and he kept saying it was his fault, no matter what I told him. 

"How could you have known?" I told him, "You didn't know they were going to be there!" 

But no matter how much I tried he still believed he was the one to blame. I don't really understand why though. How could he have possibly stopped that from happening. It was inevitable. The only way he could've stopped it was if we didn't go out all together. And for that to have happened he would've had to have known my family was going to be there. Which he didn't. So therefore it isn't his fault! 

I think my point is valid. 

"Louis? Why are you thinking so much?" 

I looked over at Harry and smiled. We were currently snuggling at 'our' spot, lying in the sunlight. I had decided to skip maths today and Harry said he wanted to join me. I couldn't say no when he pouted and looked all sad. 

Seriously, If you had seen his face you'd understand why. 

But right now, the way his face is angled in the sun, I can see every little detail on his perfect little face. The way his left dimple is slightly more prominent than his right. And the way he licks he lips, leaving a shiny coat of saliva making them glisten. Or even the way his eyes flicker across my face, trying to decipher what I'm thinking. Which is what he's doing right now. Oh shit he asked me a question. I should probably answer him before he thinks I'm weird. 

Too late. Ah fuck. 

"Uh . . . I-I don't know." I replied shakily. 

He chuckled, pecking me on the lips gently, "Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? Did I do something wrong?" 

I shook my head instantly, "Of course not. I'm just stupid." 

He silenced me with another kiss. "You are anything but stupid." 

I stared into his eyes and marvelled at the fact that this boy was kinda mine. A small smile spread across my lips as I gazed longinly into his eyes. He let out a small sigh and placed his hand on my cheek, gently stroking it. I leant into his hand and shut my eyes. I could stay in this moment forever. 

"Lads!" A new voice called, interupting our moment. I pulled away from Harry's touch and he let his hand drop, looking over at the approaching figure. 

"Hey Niall." I greeted him, waving slightly. 

He beamed at me, "Hey Lou-Lou . . . I bought lunch!"

The announcment wasn't needed considering he had no intention of sharing with us. He just sat in front of us, happily munching on his egg and lettuce sandwich. Completely ignoring the fact that Harry was drooling like a dog. I groaned and reluctantly stood up, putting all the weight on the leg that wasn't sore. 

"Where are you going babe?" Harry questioned, not tearing his eyes away from Niall's food.

"To get you something to eat." I replied easily, already beginning to hobble away. It took him a minute to fully understand what I said and soon he was walking beside me, a smile on his face.

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