05 - Haz?

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Louis POV

Lying in bed all day seems like a good way for a teenager to relax, but it just works me up more. I begged Andy to let me go to school but he wasn't letting me. Apparently he actually cared about my welfare, which is surprising because I thought all he cared about was parties and girls. Turns out I was wrong. He came into my room bright and early in the morning, holding two painkillers and a glass of water. Apparently he was taking over the duty of caring for me.

Maybe I do have a friend in this world after all.

"Thanks." I croaked, taking the pills from him.

He smiled softly, "That's okay mate. No-one should have to go through what you went through . . . it just isn't fair."

I shrugged, wincing in pain as I did so. "It's something I'm used to Andy, it happens all the time and I can usually deal with it. Just this time was worse than others."

He cocked his head to the side, frowning. "Lou that isn't a healthy attitude to have. You know you should stand up for yourself. That's always better than letting them beat the shit out of you."

He sat down on the side of the bed and watched me swallow the pills. I sighed as they slid down my throat and I settled myself back into the pillows.

"You don't really understand Andy, and I don't expect you too." I replied, avoiding his gaze.

"Then explain it to me Lou, I want to help you. And it seems I'm the only one you got so you might as well open up to me sooner rather than later."

He left me to my own devices and I pondered what he had just said. Maybe life would be easier if I just talked to him more. Maybe he could help me. But isn't that what Harry's trying to do?

I groaned as I rolled onto my side, peering over the edge of the bed. I saw my schoolbag lying on the floor and I frowned. Do I really want to admit defeat and stay in bed all day? Hell no. Andy can't stop me . . . he isn't my father. I don't want to lie here and do nothing for however long Andy holds me captive.

I quickly scanned the room, looking for a way of escape. I spotted my window and sighed. I would be able to use the fire escape if the damn window weren't stuck.

Well there goes that plan.

Maybe I should just take the full-force approach and walk straight out the door.

You can hardly walk you idiot.

I groaned in pain as I threw my legs over the side of the bed. I need to do this. I need to prove to everyone that I'm not a weak piece of shit. But more so, I need to prove to myself that I'm not  worthless.

I slowly pushed myself up off the bed. I rocked back and forth gently, sussing out the easiest way to walk. I decided on putting most of my weight on my left side which in turn eased the pain slightly. I bent over, crying out in pain as I did so, and fished a shirt from the clean pile. I straightened back out and whimpered.

"Fuck." I mumbled, clutching my stomach.

I lifted my old shirt over my head, replacing it with the new one.  I sighed in relief once it was in place. Thank god that's over, I thought to myself.

I groaned in frustration once I realised I still had to put on new pants, shoes and deal with my hair. Fucking hell.

It took me almost half an hour to get myself ready and looking presentable. At least enough for school. I checked my watch and sighed. It was only 7am. I still had ages to get to school, and granted it was going to take forever just to walk there.

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