10 - I Don't Understand

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Louis POV 

They wouldn't let me go. I yelled and screamed at them but they wouldn't let me go with him. It wasn't fair! All I wanted to do was make sure he was okay but I couldn't even do that. 

"He'd want me with him!" I cried, watching as they loaded him into the back of the ambulance. 

One of the paramedics sighed sympathetically, "I know love, but we can't let you come in here. Perhaps you can follow us in your car?" 

"I don't have a car." 

"Does your friend?" She questioned. 

I nodded, "Yeah, but I've got a sprained ankle and I can't drive." 

She shrugged, "Well then I guess you'll have to find some other way, we have to get him to the hospital now." 

The door slammed in my face and I winced. They were taking him away from me. Why? Why had this happened. It's all my god damn fault. I knew Craig would hurt Harry. I knew it! But yet I hadn't stopped him.

I'm a fucking coward.


I spun around at the sound of my name and saw a flurry of blonde hair. I gasped as Niall wrapped his arms around my middle, squeezing the life out of me.

"Thank god you're alright! You and Harry never came back and then I saw the ambulance an-where's Harry?"

I wiped my eyes and looked at my feet, "He got hurt." 

"What?" He squeaked. 

I looked up guiltily, "It's my fault okay! We were walking to the cafeteria cause he was hungry and I wanted to get him something and then Harry stopped us and . . . he said all these nice things and then Craig was there and I didn't know what to do and then he got punched and his nose wouldn't stop bleeding and there was so much blood and I just don't know what to do anymore! H-He was being so nice and then he just passed out in my arms and I-I c-can't lose h-him." 

Niall wrapped his arms around me as I sobbed. I tried to control them, I really did. But it was like I had no control over my own body. 

"Sssh, Louis it will be okay. He'll be okay." Niall whispered, rubbing my back for comfort. 

I desperately wanted to believe him. I truly did, but something in the back of my mind wouldn't let me. There was something very very wrong and I didn't know what it was. 

"We have to go to the hospital." I said, pulling away. "Can you drive?" 

He looked hesitant before nodding. I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the car park. Harry's car came into view and I sighed with relief as I noticed the back window was slightly down. Just enough room for me to slip my hand in and unlock the door. 

"Louis! We can't do this! It's not right!" Niall mumbled, watching me with wary eyes. I climbed in the back seat and leant over the front, unlocking all the doors. I slid out again and gestured for Niall to get in the drivers seat. 

"We don't have keys." He pointed out, looking nervous. 

Fuck. I had forgotten about that. Time to use all my skills from watching crime shows. I'm not going to let Harry suffer without me. I need to make sure he's okay. 

I leant down underneath the steering wheel and located the small panel behind it. Luckily I knew a little bit about cars, but it looked like I would need some sort of screwdriver to get behind the panel. 

"Niall, check in the boot for a tool kit!" I ordered. 

He scampered out of the seat and was back in two seconds holding a small toolbox. Thank god Harry is well prepared. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no-one was watching as I opened the box. I found exactly what I was looking for; a flat blade screwdriver. 

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