03 - Hope

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Louis POV

"You're a useless piece of shit. You don't deserve to live under this roof and I'm sure your mother regrets the day you were born! In what state of mind must you be in to think it's okay! How is liking someone of the same gender in any way okay! Get the fuck out and don't ever come back!" My step-dad bellowed.

"LOUIS!" My mother cried.

"LOUIS!" That doesn't sound like my mothers voice.


I jolted out of bed and groaned as I hit the floor. I sat up slowly, rubbing my now throbbing nose, and glared at Andy.

"What the hell?" I snapped.

He narrowed his eyes, "Fine . . . I thought I'd be nice today as an apology for the other night but no . . . you just go back to sleep and be late for school, I don't care."

My eyes flickered to the clock on the wall and I gasped, "Shit!"

I jumped up and began running around the room, looking for something suitable to wear. I froze in my tracks as I realised Andy was still standing there.

"Unless you want to see me get changed then I suggest you leave." I said, raising my eyebrow.

He laughed, "No thanks man . . . I'll catch ya later . . . I'm going out today."

"When are you ever not going out?" I asked, sarcastically.

He shrugged, "Whenever I don't feel like it."

He winked and laughed again, before leaving the room. I quickly resumed my frantic search before finding some reasonable clothes. I rushed into the bathroom, styled my hair, brushed my teeth and sprayed myself with deodorant. I was proud of my effort and had a big smile planted on my face as I grabbed my bag. Today is going to be a good day, and I don't get many of those. My smile soon faded as I realised my main problem. Harry. What am I going to do about him? He clearly thinks that we're friends of some sort . . . but I don't want any friends. Any friends of mine will be bullied as well and I don't want that to happen to Harry.

He doesn't deserve it like me.

"Bye Andy!" I called as I excited the flat. There was no reply, as I expected.

There were a few grey clouds splotched here and there, but in general it was a nice day. More than I could hope for. I loved sitting outside on days like this, around the back of the school. If I wasn't feeling well or if I just didn't want to go to class, that's where I would go. I rarely got days like this, when it wasn't raining.

Today really is a good day. Which is weird because of the way it started. I hugged myself as I walked. I hadn't dreamt about my step-dad in a long time. I tried to hide away all the pain so I wouldn't have to deal with it, but I knew it wasn't going to last forever.

Nothing ever does. Now it's all catching up with me. Hasn't this world punished me enough? They just want to keep torturing me.


Well there goes my good day. I peeked up under my fringe in time to see Craig running top speed towards me. I flinched and prepared myself.

I felt him collide with my body and I went tumbling down. I let out a small cry as I hit the pavement, that was definitely going to leave a bruise.

"I just had to wipe that smile off your face . . . can't have you in a good mood now can we?" Craig explained, laughing.

I groaned as I pulled myself up, my legs shaking. "Sorry." I mumbled, before pushing my way around him.

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