22 - Weakness

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Harry POV 

I stared in complete wonder at the picture in front of me. It was boy, smiling wide with his arms around the Tomlinson's. He had chestnut brown hair swept to the side revealing bright blue eyes that seemed to stare right through me. It was like he could see every little secret, every little feeling. It was like he could see me. 

Except he couldn't see me. He was dead. 

He looked so full of life, as if he didn't have a care in the world. 

I took that away from him. I'm the reason he's just a picture. I'm the reason he's just going to be a distant memory in history. 

I'm the reason he'll be forgotten. 

It's all my fault. 

"Louis was so special." Mrs Tomlinson sobbed into the microphone. "I made some mistakes and I wish I could take them all back! I l-let him out of m-my grasp and he went out into the w-world to d-do good . . . but h-he was taken away. I never e-even got to s-say goodbye and that's entirely my fault. Never let your children out of your grasp, because they c-could be gone the next m-minute-" 

She leant over the podium and sobbed, gasping for breath. My heart went out for the poor woman. I had no idea she even had a son! But I guess that's because he was never at her house. Zayn filled me in on what went down between Mrs Tomlinson and her son. 

Apparently her and her husband kicked him out because he was gay. 

I lost a lot of respect I had for her because of that news. 

"If you'd all bow your heads in prayer." The pastor instructed. 

I dropped my head down and shut my eyes, imagining an intense blue gaze. There was something so familiar about those eyes . . . but I just can't decipher what it is! 

I know them from somewhere! I'm certain I do! So why is it so hard to remember? 

"Um . . . hello." 

My head snapped towards the right and cocked my head, "Hi?" 

The man held out his hand and I shook it cautiously, "I know this is a bad time to be introducing myself but . . . Louis told me a lot about you." 

"Who are you?" I questioned, not knowing who this mysterious person was. 

He chuckled and ruffled his hair, "I'm Louis' ex-singing teacher. When he lived with his mother she payed for him to get singing lessons. He didn't put too much stock into it because he was more interested in the piano but . . . he had an amazing voice."

I raised my eyebrow, "That's great but uh . . . why are you telling me all this?" 

He sighed, "Louis called me the other day. I didn't know why or what his motives were but . . . now I sort of understand." 


"He asked me to look out for you and make sure you were okay . . . and maybe even help you develop your voice more." The man smiled warmly. 

But I was confused. How did Louis know I could sing? I don't even fucking know him! Aside from his eyes. 

Did he spy on me or something? Like a stalker? Oh my god what if a stalker died trying to save my life? 

"Um . . . I-" 

"I'm Ed by the way. Ed Sheeran." 


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