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All over the world there are couples finding one another. Each person's story is unique and magical in their own way, but for Harry and Louis it's beyond magical. 

They went through heaven and hell just to be together. And even though Harry may not remember everything that happened he remembers he loves Louis, and that's enough for both of them. 

*A few months later* 

Louis POV

I cracked an eye open, wincing at the harsh sunlight streaming through my window. For a moment I just wanted to roll over and fall back asleep but a body beneath me stirred, making me forget how tired I was. 


A wide smile spread across my face as I studied his beautiful face. "Good morning." He whispered, leaning up to press a small kiss against my lips. 

"Hey." I replied, stroking his angelic face. 

"What time is it?" 

I shrugged, snuggling back into his chest. "Can't we just lie here forever?" 

He chuckled, clutching me close. "You know we have rehearsals today Lou. Liam won't be happy if we're late." 

I was about to protest but a magical voice interrupted me. Ed Sheeran's latest hit streamed through our small apartment, making me grin. 

"I can't believe he got signed." I mused, pressing the off button on the alarm clock. The music cut off and Harry yawned. 

"He deserves it." 

I watched as he sat up, stretching his arms above his head. His muscles flexed and I felt a twitch in my pants. "Harrryyyy!" I groaned, reaching for him. 

He laughed while swinging his legs over the bed. "Come on babe, we need to get going." 

I scowled but got up anyway. How could I say no to someone I love so much? 

He hummed happily to himself as we both dressed. I smiled as I heard the familiar tune. 

Harry always made it a habit to hum the one song that always made my heart pound. 

"You ready to go babe?" He asked, reaching for my hand. 

I nodded sheepishly and let him drag me out to the car. 


"You guys are both early . . . have an early night last night?" Liam wondered as we entered the studio. 

I smiled, "It's never an early night for us." 

Liam face palmed, "Didn't need the mental image Lou. We're just waiting on Zayn, Niall's already fiddling about with his guitar." 

I grinned and followed Harry into the familiar recording studio. 

Niall was indeed messing around with his guitar and he smiled as we walked in. "Hey lads. Liam chew your ear off yet?" 

I cocked my head, "No . . . why?" 

He chuckled, "We have a gig this weekend and he was telling me this morning about how we need to take it more seriously." 

"Just because of what happened last time?" Harry said, laughing. "He went more crazy than us."

"Plus there was a scout in the audience . . . we needed to show him what we got." I added. 

"That's no excuse to lose your cool Louis." Liam grumbled, walking into the studio, followed by a very sleepy Zayn. 

"Morning lads." He greeted, letting out a yawn. 

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