24 - Imagination ~Part 4~

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Louis POV

"I d-don't know." 

He smiled softly, sadness pooling in his eyes. "I've never really been good when it comes to people I find interesting. I just can't seem to make any relationship work. It's probably because I had such a horrible upbringing." 

I felt something stir inside me at the mention of his past. What happened that was so horrible? Is that why he says no to all those people like Liam said? 

Then why is he talking to me? I'm completely in love with him and he has no idea who the fuck I am. I'm just crazy. I can't ever have a relationship with someone who can't love me as much as I love them. If we ever became something I'd rush him because I'd already be so in love I wouldn't be able to help myself. 

Things just wouldn't work out. And I need to stop this. 

But I couldn't get my mouth to form the words. I couldn't say goodbye. I've only just found him. I didn't even know he was real. I prayed and prayed that maybe I'd be able to work things out but I don't know if I can anymore. 

"But when I saw you in the coffee shop, after hearing about Zayn rave on and on about how amazing his new boyfriend was, well I just couldn't help myself but imagine what it would be like to have someone like you. Zayn was upset when you both broke up but, he was okay with it because that's the type of person he is. I know it's wrong to say this but . . . I'm glad you and him broke up, because then I probably wouldn't be talking to you right now." 

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. My heart lurched at the sight. Seeing him look so nervous is bringing back so many memories. 

"Zayn was good to me, and I took him for granted. But I couldn't string him alone a-any more than I a-already did. He's a r-really good friend." I whispered, startling Harry. 

His eyes widened at my confession, but he smiled anyway. "Zayn is a really good friend to have. We've been friends for years now and I can't imagine him not being in my life. Liam too, they've both been amazing friends. I think Liam has the hots for your friend by the way. He talks about him all the time, and he's an amazing guitarist." 

"He s-sings too." 

Harry raised his eyebrow, shivering in the slight cold. "I think I'll have a chat to him about joining the band. Ed's been talking about going solo for ages and we'll need a new guitarist." 

"He'd like that." 

I surprised myself by not stuttering and considered it quite an accomplishment. A small smile graced my lips as the moon disappeared behind the clouds. 

"It's getting quite cold out here, don't you reckon?" 

I shrugged, "I like the c-cold." 

"Louis, can I ask you a question?" He asked. 

"You just did." I smirked, feeling my confidence seep into my bones.

He let out a loud laugh before covering his mouth. "Yeah, but a different question." 

"Okay then, what's your question?"

He looked away shyly, wringing his hands. "How come I've never seen you around before? You think I wouldn't miss someone like you." 

"Someone like me?" I choked, feeling my heart pound. 

He chuckled nervously, "I just mean that you've got an unforgettable face." 

"Oh, well I don't know. I'm u-usually around w-with Niall but . . . I haven't b-been going out lately."

He leant forward, his warm breath hitting my face. I hadn't realised we were so close. "Why's that? Have you been sick?" 

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