24 - Imagination ~Part 1~

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Louis POV 

*Three Years Later* 

"Louis, time to wake up sweetie." 

I groaned and rolled over, cracking my eye open. My mum was standing in the doorway, a cup of tea in her hands. Her smile was warm and friendly, but I could see hurt behind the facade. 

I rolled out of bed and stretched, returning her smile, "Good-morning mum." 

She crossed the room and placed my mug on the table, sitting down beside me. 

We sat in silence for a few short seconds before she cracked. 

"OH I CAN'T BELIEVE MY BABY IS GRADUATING HIGH SCHOOL!" She cried, flinging her arms around me. 

I chuckled lightly and squeezed her tight. "It'll be okay mum. I'm not leaving for uni just yet." 

"But you will b-be soon and I d-don't know what I'm going to do here w-without you." 

I maneuvered out of her grasp and stood, searching my floor for something to wear. 

"Are you picking up Niall this morning?" She questioned, wiping her eyes. 

I nodded once, grabbing a clean shirt from my floor. "And Craig." 

Ever since I woke up in hospital for what seems like the millionth time (when really it was only the first) things have changed. For one I live with my mother and sisters again, and things on that front have never been better. 

Me and Craig are on good terms, and we're really good friends. To be honest it took a while for me to get used to everything again but I managed to get back into a normal routine. Going to school (I was quite annoyed that I had to repeat years I thought I had already completed) was a normal everyday thing and I wasn't bullied. After the first year a new student moved to school and I sort of had a mini panic attack. 

Niall turned up in my life. He was still bubbly and completely obsessed with food, but he wasn't being abused at home. He actually had an amazing family who often had me around for dinner. It was kind of hard to accept him back into my life after everything that happened (I thought I was going crazy again) but I managed. 

Ever since then things have been great. None of the other boys have made an appearance but I've dealt with it. Maybe one day I'll meet Zayn and Liam. But for now I'm happy with just having known them in my dreams. 

Harry. Oh Harry. I've never really known how to deal with him. I kind of blocked him out of my memory. But I know I still love him. I haven't even looked at anyone else since then. Which is kind of crazy considering that whole experience was a dream. But if Niall is real then why can't Harry be? 

I don't want to think about it. I just want to get over him. I've gone through way too much to even consider there being a Harry in real life. Not that there could ever be one without him. 

"Louis? Are you still with me?" My mum asked, slight panic lacing her tone. 

I shook my head slowly and smiled, "Yeah, sorry mum. Must've drifted." 

"You had me worried for a minute. You haven't had a seizure in almost two months. I don't want you starting again." 

The seizures had died down a great deal, but they still sometimes occurred. I couldn't get rid of them entirely and it still scared me out of my wits, but I hadn't had one in months. It's a sign of improvement! 

"Well, I better get ready for my last ever day of school." 

My mum let out a whimper but nodded anyway, leaving the room. I drew in a deep breath and looked around my room. In another few months I would be out of here and in Manchester, studying to become a teacher. 

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