07 - 20 Questions

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Louis POV 

"They look so cute don't they?" 

I cracked an eye open and looked over towards the door. Anne and another young woman were standing in the doorway, huge smiles on their faces. They didn't seem to realise I was awake as they continued to talk. "I think he'll be good for Harry? Don't you mum?" The other girl, Gemma I presumed, asked. 

Anne's smile faltered, "I don't know Gem, what if he gets too attached?" 

Gemma frowned, "It'll be fine mum, he still has a high chance . . ." 

"He doesn't seem to think so . . . it's scaring me Gemma, I don't know what to do with him anymore." 

Gemma embraced her mother because smiling weakly, "Louis will be able to help him." 

"Harry hasn't even told him yet! How can Louis help him when he refuses to tell anyone?" 

Gemma looked stumped. She shrugged half-hearted before slowly gesturing over her shoulder. Anne followed her out and closed the door behind her. I yawned loudly and turned over in the bed. Harry was curled up in a ball, snoring softly. He looked almost delicate the way he was hunched over. I rolled closer to him, ignoring the pain in my ribs and ankle, and gently pecked his cheek. 

A smile crept it's way onto his face and I blushed. 

Before I knew it Harry's eyes were opening and he was smirking knowingly. "Hey . . ." I greeted, avoiding his gaze. 

He chuckled before leaning over and kissing me quickly, "Good-morning Lou. How'd you sleep?"

"I slept fine . . . better than most days actually." 

His smirk grew, "I'd like to think I'm the reason." 

I rolled my eyes, "Of course you would." 

We fell into a comfortable silence and just stared at each other. I had time to think about what I was doing. I haven't known Harry all that long, and apparently there are things about him that I don't know. Like what him mum and Gemma were talking about earlier. What do they mean he has a high chance? A high chance of what? And what does he have to tell everyone that's so important? It's the same with yesterday. What treatment does Harry need to get? Oh god I hope he isn't sick. I've felt myself falling more for him in the past few days since I've met him. Which is weird because I hardly know him. I want to know him more though, so so much. He's helped me so much and I'd be stupid if I pushed him away. This is a good thing. 

But it's also a very very bad thing. 

"Is my face really that interesting?" He asked, chuckling. 

I blinked stupidly, "Huh?" 

"You've been staring at me for the past five minutes . . . is my face that interesting?" 

I blushed, "Uh . . . sorry I was thinking." 


"You." I blurted out, before I could stop myself. 

He smirked, "Really? What about me?" 

I shrugged before rolling over, avoiding his question. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and I melted into him, enjoying his embrace. "That wasn't the answer I was looking for." 

I chuckled weakly, "Sorry, I was just thinking about how lucky i've been the last few days . . ." 

I felt a small warm pressure press against my neck and I sighed, "Really?" Harry mumbled, pressing another kiss to my skin. 

I nodded, "Uh . . . yeah . . . cause of you and all." 

He nuzzled his face into my neck and tightened his grip around my waist, avoiding my ribs. "Dont' mention it." 

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