01 - Just Another Day

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Louis POV

"Louis, time to wake up sweetie." 

I frowned, hearing the familiar voice. I haven't heard that voice in a long time. Why the hell does my deluded brain need to keep reminding me of what I can't have anymore?  

I groaned as I rolled over on the couch. I needed to be gone by morning. I've been having a lot of trouble recently with where I'm living. I got a small apartment with a bloke named Andy and he was a huge slob. He never payed rent and left pretty much everything up to me. So last night I had been privileged enough to stay at one of my 'friends' house. They weren't really my friend. More or less it was my tormentors house, and his parents just felt sorry for me so they let me stay for the night. This was why I was in such a hurry to leave early. I don't want to have to face Craig this morning. I gathered up my stuff and neatened up the couch, before leaving the house. I would have to return to my disgusting flat later tonight and put up with Andy's shit. Last night he had invited heaps of people over for one of his 'gatherings' which is pretty much just a stoner party. I really needed to get out of the house so I went down to the local shop and sat outside. That's where Craig and his mum found me. I was very grateful but also scared. Craig had been tormenting me for several years and who knew what the hell he'd do to me under his own roof. Luckily his mum didn't leave me alone for most of the night. She was fussing over me and making sure I was okay. It just made me miss my own mum.  

This all started when I 'came' out. You see, I'm gay. And up until a few years ago I didn't think anything was wrong with that. But when I told everyone it had a horrible effect. My step-dad kicked me out and told me never to talk to him or my mum again. My school labeled me a gay freak and the one person I had counted on for everything turned against me. He also happened to be the guy I had been crushing on for the duration of our friendship. He also happens to be the one person who bullies me the most now. Craig. That's why he scares me so much. I can't fight back against him because I still have feelings for him. Even though its completely crazy. But he had convinced me he liked me back, before he turned against me. I sighed as I walked down the sidewalk, my bag slung over my shoulder. I had hours to kill before I had to make an appearance at school. Then work at the cinema afterwards. Sometimes i don't even know why I bother anymore. No one cares about me. Why should I stay alive and suffer? It doesn't seem like anyone would miss me, so what's stopping me? I'm too much of a coward to do anything . . . That's what's stopping me. I couldn't bring a blade to my wrist without trembling in fear. I'm pathetic. 

"Hey gay boy!!"  

I froze and tried to ignore the person running up behind me. I felt a giant hand come down and hit me hard on the back. Craig smiled and kissed my cheek sloppily before whispering in my ear, "I would have thought you'd stick around to try and peek at me in the shower. You like that type of stuff don't you fag."  

I flinched, "I wouldn't waste my time Craig" I spat. 

He laughed, "that's not what you told me . . . 'Oh Craig I love you!'"  

I scowled, "can't you leave me alone today please?"  

"Where's the fun in that?" He asks skeptically.  

I sighed and began walking away from him. But he didn't seem to like that. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back.  

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"  

I gulped, "to school." 

He chuckled darkly, "not looking like that you aren't! I think you need some more colour!" 

And with that he slammed his fist into the side of my ribs.  

I groaned in pain and dropped down against the pavement. He kicked me in the side and laughed. 

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