04 - Run Away

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Louis POV

"Louis? Come on Louis wake up."

I slowly opened my eyes, blinking quickly. Everything was blurry but I was able to make out a certain curly headed figure lying above me.

"Harry?" I mumbled.

He smiled with relief, "Thank god you're awake. I was starting to get worried. At first I thought you just went to sleep but then you weren't waking up and it freaked me out and-"

I sat up quickly and put my hand over his mouth, "It's okay . . . I'm fine. I should've told you . . . I have these 'episodes' or whatever you want to call them where I just pass out . . . randomly."

I blushed and let my hand drop, "It's quite stupid actually."

"But you can't help it." Harry reminded me, poking my nose.

I rolled my eyes, "Just like everyone else can't help being complete assholes."

He pouted, "I'm not an asshole."

That brought a smile to my face, "I know you aren't you dunce!"

He sighed and wiped his brow, "It's hot out here don't ya think?"

I looked around me and shrugged, "You can go to class if you want but . . . I really don't feel like it."

He frowned, "I don't want to leave you out here by yourself."

"I'm fine, you can go! I'm used to being by myself."

"You shouldn't be used to it." He said, repeating his words from earlier.

I frowned and studied my hands carefully. I really need to clean my nails.

"Louis, you shouldn't let people bully you! You are an amazing guy, and that's just my first impression of you."

 I kept my head down. I don't want to hear this.

"Louis!" Harry cried, grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him, "Why do you let Craig do that to you? He's an ass and yet you let him walk all over you and you don't fight back, even though I know you can."

I whimpered, "You wanna know why?" I mumbled.

He nodded curtly. I pushed his hand away and growled, "Because he's one that promised me everything would be okay! He's the one who held me at night when I cried, when I though nothing would ever be okay again! He's the one who said he loved me! He's the one I fell for . . . and I can't hate him . . . no matter how hard I try."

Harry's face was impassive. I coudn't read his expression and I was beginning to get worried. I had tears running down my cheeks and my breathing was laboured but I was more worried about Harry then myself.

"Say something." I uttered.

He blinked quickly before looked at me. His expression softened and he sighed, wiping away my tears and pulling me into a hug. "It'll be okay Louis . . . you have me now."

What does he mean by that?


We stayed out there for another hour, just talking about things. I found myself telling him secrets that I've never told anyone else, and I was telling him so easily. He told me about his old life. How he used to live with his dad. I asked more about him but he changed the subject quickly, asking about my family. I managed to tell him about my sisters, but when it came to my mum I choked up, shaking my head and blinking back tears. He immediately began talking about other things but the mood was ruined. All I could think about was my mum.

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