06 - Life's Too Short

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Louis POV 

I groaned, rolling over slightly. I winced as the pain in my ribs increased at my movement. I had temporarily forgotten due to my sleepiness, but now the pains back full force it's all I can think about. That and Harry. 

I cracked an eye open, hoping to see his curly head sitting next to my bed, like he promised. But he was no where to be found. 

"Haz?" I croaked, trying to sit up. 

I looked down and gasped at seeing myself shirtless. What the hell? I had a bandage wrapped tight around me and sweats covering my legs. When the fuck did I change? 

I looked around wildly. How long had I been asleep? Oh god, please tell me I didn't sleep through everything. Maybe something was seriously wrong with me and I wouldn't even know about because I was fucking asleep. 

I began to panic as I scanned the room. Where is Harry? He promised me he'd be here! Where is he. 

The door opened and a nurse with bright blonde hair entered, followed by a sleepy looking Harry. I sighed with relief as he rushed to my side, grabbing my hand. 

"Lou . . . I didn't know you had woken! I promise I was only out of the room for like . . . five minutes." 

I leaned back against the pillows and let my eyes slip close, "S'okay." 

I heard the nurse bustle about and ask some questions that I didn't answer. I was too tired. I heard something about parents but I ignored her. 

"Louis . . . are you okay?" Harry asked. 

I opened my eyes again and smile weakly, "Yeah . . . what happened?"

"You have two broken ribs, a bruised spine and a fracture in your ankle. The doctor said it was amazing you managed to last through the entire day at school." I looked down at my ankle and saw it was in a brace. Fuck. 

I gulped, "Well shit . . . I didn't think it was that bad."

Harry squeezed my hand gently and smiled, "It's okay . . . they're gonna let you go home soon. But you have to stay in bed and take the medication prescribed to you. No more going to school! At least not for the first week."

I sighed, "Where's my phone?" 

Harry's grip on my hand disappeared and he learnt down under the bed. He reappeared holding my battered cell. He passed it to me and I reluctantly dialed Andy's number. 

He answered after the first few rings, "Hello?" He slurred. 

"Hey Andy, it's Louis . . . I just wanted to tell you I'll be home a little later today." 

He giggled, "That's okay man . . . I've got people over anyway." 

Well, he's definitely back to his old ways. "Alright then . . . see-you later." 

I hung up and flung my phone down on the bed. "Whats wrong?" Harry asked, worry laced in his tone. 

I groaned, "My roommate is drunk and has people over at our place. I don't really want to go back there when he's like that cause he's a total arse." 

Harry nodded slightly to himself, "Um . . . you could stay at mine if you like?" 

I widened my eyes slightly, "Really?" 

He nodded, scratching his neck. "If you'd like. You'll have to ignore my mother and sister though, they can be pretty annoying." 

I chuckled, "I'm sure they're nice enough." 

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