20 - Death 2.0

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Harry POV 

Life is a funny thing. Death is even funnier. We know so much about life and how we came into being but when it comes to death . . . well we're pretty much clueless. 

I guess that's why I'm so scared. I can't even begin to explain how it felt to know that I could do nothing about my fate. I can't even begin to comprehend the fact that somehow I may or may not come out of this alive. 

But that, believe it or not, was not my top priority. I wanted to save Louis. I had a gut feeling that this would not turn out well. I just know something bad is going to happen and I just can't let this go on. 

But when you have a highly powerful sedative injected into your system there isn't really much you can do about it. 

The only thing I can do is fade into my own memories. Concentrate on my thoughts and try and figure out a way I may be able to stop this. If even for a moment I can wake up and stop them . . . 

Oh who am I kidding. It's never going to work and I've failed in my one mission. Protect Louis. The person I love is going to get hurt because of me. It's all my fault. 

*Harry's Mind*

Where am I? 

Why is there flowers everywhere? 

Is that a stream I hear? 

"Hello?" I called, spinning around on the spot. 


I turned towards the voice, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to see. 

There he stood, in all his glory. His hair looked healthier than ever, blowing in the wind. The bags that had been prominent underneath his eyes for the past few days were gone and his skin glowed in the sunlight. He had a plain white t-shirt on and sweats but he never looked more perfect. 

"Louis." I breathed, reaching towards him. But he took a step back. 

"Don't come close Haz . . . it could turn out bad." He warned, a smile gracing his lips. 

I cocked my head, blinking in confusion. "Why can't I come near you?" 

He shrugged, "You told me you wanted me to leave . . . so I did. But nothing you could've said would've stopped me from saving your life. I love you Harry and nothing is going to change that. I just needed to tell you that." 

"Why can't you tell me this when you wake up?" I asked, panic lacing my tone. 

He sighed, "Some things might not be possible Haz." 

"But that's possible. Because you are going to wake up." 

His eyes trailed over towards the setting sun, moisture intensifying the blue. "Harry . . . I need to tell you something . . ." 


He dropped to the grass and patted the spot beside him. "There are some things in this world that you don't understand. Some things that don't make sense. Some things that can't be resolved." 

"What are you rambling about?" I asked, grabbing his hand. 

He pulled it away and turned to me, cupping my chin. "I'm going to be honest with you. Right now we're both being operated on. Right now one of us is dying. Right now one of us is fighting to stay alive. And in a couple of minutes one of us will be dead. The problem is I can't tell you whether it's me . . . or whether it's you." 

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