08 - Friend?

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Louis POV 

My ankle actually felt a hell of a lot better. 

It had been two days since Harry had taken me in and I was actually able to walk around without him. That's why I had decided to return home. I didn't want to intrude on Harry's life anymore than I already had and I actually felt like Anne was sick of seeing me here. She was always shooting me these looks which made me extremely uncomfortable. 

Even though I had made it my main priority to find out what was up with Harry I had made no further progress. He disappeared for an hour everyday to get his 'treatment' or whatever, and then he was back with me. He spent most of the day entertaining me and I felt kind of guilty. He should be out with his friends, not stuck here with me. He told me he didn't mind, and even though we hadn't exactly labeled what we were, he was acting sort of like my boyfriend. Not that I mind of course. I wouldn't mind at all if he were my boyfriend. But all we've done is kiss. He hasn't exactly asked me out. I'm starting to think he won't ever ask me out to be honest. But really it isn't surprising. I'm not much anyway. After I met Zayn I started seeing him around more often then not. He came over twice after that first time and I really started to like him. He was easy to talk to and I definitely saw why he was friends with Harry. We ended up having long conversations while Harry was out of the room. But Zayn seemed to be reluctant to talk about Harry's condition. Whatever it was. 

He told me Harry would tell me when he was ready. 

I guess no-one's figured out I'm not exactly a patient person. 

I'm also not one to overstay my welcome. So when Harry left to go get his 'treatment', I grabbed my bag and hobbled down the stairs. 

I forgot Anne was home. 

"Where are you going sweetie?" She asked, looking up from the carrots she was chopping. 

I gulped, scratching the back of my neck, "I'm uh . . . going home." 

She cocked her head, "Does Harry know?" 

"Uh . . . no . . . tell him I said thanks though, and that i'll see him at school." 

She made no move to stop me, but something in her eyes told me I wasn't allowed to leave. Not without talking to her son first. I sighed and sat down at the bench. 

"Wise decision. I'm very protective of my son and I wouldn't want you hurting him." She said, resuming chopping the carrots. 

I just stared down at my hands, trying to avoid any awkward conversation. I jumped when the kitchen door swung open. 

"Hey mum! Hey Lou." Harry greeted, shrugging off his coat. I smiled weakly as he sat down next to me. He had a bandage wrapped around his arm and I stared at it, feeling my heart crumble. 

"What's up?" Harry asked, looking at me confused. 

I looked up at his eyes and frowned, "Can we go talk? In private?" 

He looked confused but nodded anyway. He helped me up the stairs, even though I didn't need it, and we both settled on his bed. He looked at me expectantly as I struggled to find the words. 

"You need to tell me what's going on." I began, fiddling my thumbs. 

The blood drained from his face and he gulped, clearly he didn't want to tell me. "About what?" 

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not as dumb as I look Harry . . . I want to know where you go. I want to know why your mum is so protective of you. I want to know what this 'treatment' is . . . and I want to know where you got this." I pointed at his bandage and he automatically flinched away. 

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