24 - Imagination ~Part 3~

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Louis POV 

I watched in shock as he flipped his curls out of his face. He looked so beautiful up on that stage, as if he was right in his element and he didn't want to be anywhere else. 

I had to blink a few times to make sure what I was seeing was real. But as he sung I realised this wasn't the same Harry from my dreams. He was more confident, more out there. 

I liked it. 

"He's amazing." I breathed, staring at the boy I loved in wonder. 

Liam chuckled, patting my shoulder. "Mate, you're not the first person to drool over Harry." 

I cocked my head, "What do you mean?" 

"Well, he has a lot of people ask him out on dates, but for some reason he always says no . . . so I wouldn't bother." 

I felt my heart clench. I hadn't even thought of that. Harry doesn't know who I am. I can't just run up to him and kiss him randomly. He'd probably have me thrown out onto the street. 


I turned back to the stage and listened intently as the music changed. A girl walked up on stage and joined Harry, sitting on the stool next to him. He also took a seat before leaning into the mic. 

"This song is called 'Kiss Me' and it was written by a very good friend of mine who couldn't play tonight . . . and singing with me tonight is the very beautiful Roni." 

My entire heart shattered as I watched him wink over at the girl. She blushed crimson before leaning towards the microphone, muttering a shy 'hello'. 

The crowd laughed and began to sway as the music flowed. The tears spilled over as I listened to his husky tone masked by the girls sweet harmonies. 

They fit together, almost perfectly. 

I could never match that. He doesn't need me anymore. He never knew me in the first place. I should just leave him and never come back. 

He doesn't need me. 

He might need you more than you think. 

I clenched my eyes shut tight. Why now? Why can't these stupid voices leave me alone? Why can't things ever go right? 

"Louis are you alright?" Liam asked, worry written all over his face. 

I shook my head, standing up quickly. "I need to go." 

Liam reached for my hand but I backed away. It's too stuffy in here. It's too loud. I know something bad is going to happen if I don't leave quickly. 

Applause rebounded against the walls of the small shop and I felt my lungs tighten. Oh no. This can't happen here. Not in front of everyone. Not now. 

Please god no. 

"This is a song I wrote for someone special." 

The first guitar chords filled my ears and Harry's husky voice reverberated around the room. 

"Shut the door, 

Turn the light off, 

I wanna be with you, 

I wanna feel your love . . ." 

My entire body began shaking. It was the song. The song Harry wrote for me. He was singing it. In real life. My Song. 

This can't be happening.

The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was Harry's sweet voice singing the song I never thought I'd hear. 

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