Chapter 19

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They rest of the day was pretty boring. However, 5th period they had different classes. They didn't expect what happened next.

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Gon walked into his 5th class and looked around, hoping to find someone he recognizes. But to his disappointment he doesn't find anyone. He sighs and takes a seat in the back. His eyes wander for a bit until they lay on a certain blonde headed girl. She just so happened to turn around at the same time, and their eyes locked.

She smiled and waved, Gon waved back. He sighed once more and laid his head on the desk and listen to the teacher ramble on.

When Killua saw Gon enter his classroom a wave of panic filled the cats body. His tail swisher nervously as he walked to his next class too.

When he got there the feeling got worse. He felt anxious. The teacher happened to notice,"Killua, are you alright?" They said looking directly at him. He gave a small no. The teacher nodded,"Would you like to go to the office?" Killua only nodded.

After leaving the class he sighed, the feeling still not going away. He slowly walked to the office. Looking back every few seconds.

Once there, he stated his problem to the lady in the front and she suggested he sit down for a bit. The Niko groan while sitting on the office chair. "I can contact your guardian of you'd like." The office lady said grabbing the phone. "No,no,no. I'm fine!" He gave a small fake smile. She nodded and put the phone down.

He had been sitting there for about 10 minutes now. The feeling never gone away either. He felt like he needed a breather. So he shifted when no one was looking and took a step outside.

Hot air hit his face and he sat by the entrance of the school. It felt a little better. So the cat laid down and soon fell asleep. He awoke from a loud bell he blinked a few times before looking around. The 5th class must be over.

After he shifted and went back inside the school he excused himself and left the office area. He did about a 2 minute walk to get to his next class.

He sighed, and opened the door to see a few kids inside. The teacher though, looked familiar. He had pinkish-red hair and some makeup on his face. Like a star and a tear. 'He has a strange vibe' Killua thought to himself as he sat down.

Gon got up when the bell rang with everyone else. He exited his class and noticed his friend, Killua walking away. He was about to get to him before the blonde girl stopped him. "Hello there!" She said smiling. He stopped and looked at her."Hello!" He smiled back,  she began,"My name is Retz, What's yours?"  "Hello Retz, my name is Gon." She giggled,"That's a nice name. Well, I have to go Gon see you later!" She waved and walked the other way.

He waved then looked but sadly, lost sight of his friend. He sadly sighed and walked to his next class.


: )

The Neko - Killua x Gon ||FanFic||Where stories live. Discover now