Chapter 13

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Luckily, Killua stopped being clingy to Gon after what happened a few nights ago. But at this moment both of the boys were hearing some news from Mito.

"School..?" Killua groaned, placing a hand in front of his face. Gon, on the other hand, was excited. He had been waiting and counting the days, well when Killua showed up he'd stopped.

"Yes, I've enrolled you two, well for Killua it was a little harder. But I managed to get him in." Mito said.

"I can't wait!" Gon said with a big smile on his face. Killua looked at Gon, with a tiny smile on his face. Maybe this could be a good thing for both of the boys.

"When do we go back though?" Killua asked.

"Next week."

"WHAT!" Killua yelled, he was surprised. He thought he and Gon had longer than a week.

After that whole thing, Killua and Gon went out. "Is there a park here?" Killua asked as they started walking to town.

Gon thought for a second, "Oh yeah! Follow me." Said as he ran ahead. Killua smiled and ran after him

They both sat at the park bench talking about whatever. Killua's ear twitched as he heard something. He quickly turned his head around, scanning the area. Gon looked at Killua, confused.

Killua slowly turned his head, "Someone's watching us." Killua whispered. Gon looked around then back at Killua, "Should we go back then?" Killua shook his head.

The boys sat on the bench for another hour then got up. "They must've left by now." Gon said as he looked around a bit. The other boy shook his head.

The younger boy's ears perked as he saw a shadow behind them. He narrowed his eyes and hurried Gon along.

They walked into a shopping place, hoping to lose the person who was following them. Killua was starting to get annoyed. He wanted to confront the person and tell them to stop. But something made it near impossible for Killua to locate the person.

Almost like they were invisible. He sighed and walked with Gon through the store. Gon must've forgotten because he was dragging Killua around.

After about an hour in the store, they finally exited. The feeling of being watched never went away. As they walked it got worse.

Gon jumped on his bed smiling, "That was fun!" Killua sat next to Gon biting his nails. Gons smile seemed to drop when he saw how nervous the other boy was.

"It was probably nothing! So we don't need to worry." Gon tried to reason with the boy. Killua looked at his friend, then sighed."You're probably right." The younger smiled.

"Let's watch a movie!" The spiky-haired kid jumped up running out of the room. Killua smiled lightly and got up and walked after the boy.

"What movie?" Gon said grabbing the remote. The white-haired boy thought for a second. "Any new movies?" He said. Sadly, Gon couldn't think of any. "Scary movie?" Gon smiled at nodded at the boy, putting on the scariest movie he could think of.


End of Chapter 13

The Neko - Killua x Gon ||FanFic||Where stories live. Discover now