Chapter 10

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"How do you know these fit me?" Gon looked at killua then frowned. "What are you wearing right now?" Killua realized and scratched the back of his neck, a little embarrassed. "Ah- s-sorry." He chuckled. Gon only smiled and picked clothes out for himself.


The smell of bacon filled Killuas nose as his cat body was making its way downstairs. Gon trailed behind the cat. When they made it down, Mito still hadn't noticed them yet. Gon picked up Killua and sat on the couch with him. Slowly petting the cat.

Though, a little uncomfortable, Killua remains silent letting the other pet him. When Mito finished cooking she was making her way to the stairs, but she saw Gon sitting on the couch already. "You're up already?" Mito asked as she made her way to the couch. Gon looked at her and nodded, smiling. "Well get up and let's eat!" She said in a cheery tone.

After a while of eating in silence
"Gon?" The boy looked up at his Aunt. "Do you wanna do something fun? And of course, you can bring Killua too." Gon's face brightened and he quickly nodded.

After getting ready to go Killua shifts into the form he's starting to get comfortable with, his human form. "Ready to go?" Gon says looking at Killua, smiling. Killua groans for a second and goes back into the cat form. Looking at the older boy.

Gon giggled and grabs the cat heading downstairs. Though it would've been easier to go in a car, they decided to walk. "Are you sure he doesn't need a leash?" Killua who was walking alongside Gon mewed and stopped. "I'm sure he's- what's wrong Killua?" Gon said looking at the cat.

Killua looked up and Gon and jumped up at Gon. The spiky-haired boy fell for this and instantly grabbed the cat. Killua purred in success letting his legs rest as the older boy carried the cat.

As they reached town Mito looked at Gon stopped, "Where do you wanna go first?" Gon smiled and looked around. "Ooo! How about there?" Gon pointed to the sweets shop. Killua instantly jumped out of Gons hands and started walking towards the shop.

"K-killua!" Gon shudders as he chased the white-haired cat. Killua sat in front of the store purring as Gon came and swooped him up. "Hghhh Killua don't do that again! It scared me." The cat made an odd sound, almost like laughing.

Mito caught up to the boy and his cat. "So you want to come here..?" Gon nodded looked inside. "Oo they have ChocoRobos." Killua quickly snapped his head inside the store and spotted them. He wiggled out of Gons arms and sneaked inside of the shop. "Ah-! Killua!" Gon rushed inside for the cat.

After a long stressful day of chasing around Killua Gon and his Aunt finally made it home. Once there Gon walked upstairs with the sleeping cat in his arm. He tiredly put Killua on the little bed he found him and flopped on his own. "Gon?" Mito asked peaking inside of the room.

She saw the boy passed out on his bed, she smiled gently and put his stuff on the dresser. "I hope you had a fun day today Gon," Mito said in a quiet tone, silently making her way out of the room and closing the door behind her.


End of Chapter 10

A/n: Whoa- okay. Already 10 chapters ö. Dunno why I'm making this author's note but I just feel proud of making it to 10 chapters (You can just ignore this a/n it's really just nothing lol).

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