Chapter 14

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"What movie?" Gon said grabbing the remote. The white-haired boy thought for a second. "Any new movies?" He said. Sadly, Gon couldn't think of any. "Scary movie?" Gon smiled at nodded at the boy, putting on the scariest movie he could think of.


During the movie, Gon left for a bit to get more popcorn for the both of them. Killua's head rested on his arm, he didn't feel like watching a movie if there was no one to scare. He sighed and looked around. His eyes darted to things he hadn't noticed. He sighed and averted his eyes back to the t.v. His tail resting in the spot the other boy was sitting at.

His ear twitched as he heard something behind him. Still on guard ob what happened earlier that day. He stood up and looked behind the couch. There stood Gon with the bowl of popcorn.

Gon chuckled, "Sorry if I scared you." Killua smiled and sat back down, "You'll never scare me." He said with a smirk on his face. Gon smiled and sat next to the other boy setting the popcorn on the table.

Gon had fallen asleep during the movie like he usually does. That meant Killua had to carry him again. So, after the movie was over Killua stood up. Scooped up Gon in his arms and carried him up the stairs. He laid the boy on his bed and went back down the stairs to turn off the tv. He went back upstairs and looked at Gon one more time. He gently smiled and he saw the other sleeping peacefully.

"Goodnight Gon."

The next morning they both were helping Mito garden and do laundry. After about 2 or 3 hours went by they left the house to go to a park. They walked around, talking, and whatnot.

But as soon as they were heading home, Killua got a strange feeling again. He glanced around while Gon was still rambling about his life before they met.

His eyes darted to a tree. He could see a shadow staring right at them. He felt A jolt of panic and grabbed the older arm running the opposite way from the house.

"W-wait!" Gon yelled trying to keep up. Killua slowed down then looked back at Gon, "We can't let them see where you live. We have to get lose them in town." And with that, they continued running.

"But it's late! Not that many people will be out." Killua shook his head, he had a plan. They ran into clothes shopping place. They ran again, though isle. After about half an hour they exited the place. The feeling seemed to have gone away and they continued their way home.

Flopping on the other bed, Killua was utterly tired. He laid there shutting his eyes. He didn't even notice when he fell asleep. So, he laid there softly snoring while was taking a shower. After about 10 minutes Gon came out of the bathroom and looked at his bed. He expected to see Killua sleeping on his dog/cat bed. But no, he was sleeping on his bed.

Gon softly smiled and laid beside the other boy. He chuckled a little before going to bed.


End of Chapter 15

Who do You think is following them?

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