A cat..?

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Gon woke up to a nice bright summer day. He got out of bed and headed downstairs to where his aunt Mito was cooking breakfast. "That smells great!" Gon shouted. Aunt Mito smiled, then she quickly said, "Oh Gon, could you take out the trash?" Gon looked at the food then back at his Aunt Mito. "Alright!" He said cheerfully. He quickly started to take the bag and walk out the front door. He threw the thrash out when he heard a sound near a bush. He slowly walked towards it and a cat popped out scaring him. It was a pure white cat.


"AUNT MITO! AUNT MITO!" Gon shouted, making Mito jump. "What is it gon?" She asked. Gon raised up the cat, "Look!" Mito stared at the cat for a while. "You found it near our house?" Gon quickly nodded."I haven't seen a cat near here in a while." Gon looked at the cat then looked at Mito," Can we keep him?" Mito looks surprised. "Who's going to take care of him?" Mito raised a brow, she knew Gon wasn't that responsible. But he was sure stubborn. "I can take care of him!" Mito sighed, and looked at Gon and the cat. "Are you sure?" Gon didn't hesitate to nod. "Alright then, get ready so you can get your breakfast." Gon ran upstairs and plopped the cat on his bed. The cat tilted its head, it's dark blue eyes staring up at the confused boy. Well, let's see if you have any injuries." Gon said before he started searching the cat. "Good, you're all fine." He said petting the cat. The cat let out a soft purr. "But I wonder what your name is.." Gon finally noticed the light colored collar around the cats thick fur. He moved some of the fur away and saw what it said on the tag. It was in all caps and the word,"KILLUA" was written on it.
Gon made an 'o' shape with his mouth and let go of the tag. The cat purred and sat down. He began to play with the cat until he heard his aunt call him. "Coming!" He said. He put Killua on the bed and left the room.

"What took you so long?" Mito asked looking at Gon. "The food started to get cold." Gon hungrily looked at The food. "Oh! Sorry I wasn't listening.." Mito smiled and sighed. "Well just eat your food. Here's some money so you can go get the cat some food." Mito set some money on the table and walked to the front door. "See you in a bit 'kay?" Gon nodded, " See you in a bit Aunt Mito!" Mito smiled, "See you in a bit Gon."


End of Chapter 1

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