Chapter 3

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"W-who are you?" Gon stuttered. The boy tilted his head while holding the toy Gon bought for his cat, Killua. "Oh. I'm Killua." He said while smiling at the toy. "B-but then where's my cat-" Killua cut him off, " You're looking at him," Killua smirked. "H-Huh!"


Gon stared at the boy, sure he did look like killua. But..How? "B-but..How where you a cat..?" Killua stopped smirking and started at Gon in utter confusion. " You don't know what a Neko is?" Killua asked tilting his head. Gon silently shook his head. Killua stared in disbelief, how can one be so clueless? "So what you're saying is that a cat and a human mixed is called a Neko?" Killua sighed, "Well...Kinda." Gon looked at the boy in amazement "That's so cool!" Gon shouted. "Aye, keep it down!" Killua said trying to shush the excited boy. "How does that happen though..." Gon said in question. Killua stared at him, why does he want to know so much now?! 'Nyah' Killua sighed and poof he was a cat again. "I'm guessing that's a sign of you not wanting to talk anymore huh?" Gon giggled a little before continuing to walk back to his home.

When Gon got back he started to help Killua open the toy package. Killua eyes widened in excitement. Gon chuckled as he played with the cat for a bit. But he suddenly stopped. "Argh!" Gon groan, How could he forget the food! Killua looked up at Gon in confusion. Then he realized what Gon might have been thinking.
"It's alright, I like human food more anyways." Gon jumped at the sudden voice, he should have bought a bell instead of that toy! "Are you sure?" Gon asked. Killua only nodded. "Alright then, are you hungry?" Gon asked getting up. Killua thought for a moment then shook his head, but as he did that his stomach growled, loudly. Embarrassed, Killua quickly nodded his head as he got up. Gon laughed silently.

"Alright so...I have a few questions." Gon said as he stared at Killua, who was currently stuffing his face with sandwiches. "Gon on." Killua managed to say. "What brought you to whale island?" Gon questioned. Killua stopped eating for a moment. "Hmm...oh yeah!" Killua snapped, " I had a mission I was doing and got on the wrong boat!" Killua laughed. " I don't remember when that was though.." Killua said, and started eating again. "Okay, where do you live?" Killua suddenly stopped. He slowly looked up at Gon nervously. "W-why do you wanna know..?" Gon tilted his head, why was he acting so scared suddenly? "Just so I know so I can help you get home." Killua stared at the boy, wondering if he was lying or not. But Killua couldn't find any trace that the older boy was lying.
"Kukuroo Mountain," Killua mumbled. Gon looked confused, "Where and what's that?" Killua looked surprised. There is no way no one couldn't know what kind of family lives in Kukuroo mountain! But Killua looked back at Gon the frowned, Well people like him might not know. Which is a good thing. Killua lightly smiled and continued answering Gon's questions. "Okay so, do you miss being home?" Gon asked. Killua hesitated for a second. But shook his head. "Ah, alright." Gon said, getting off the chair and walking to Killua. Killua watched him intensely. When Gon stopped in upfront of him, Killua was ready to attack if he had to. "Let's be friends." Gon said smiling. "Wait...What?"


End of Chapter 3

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