Chapter 8

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"It wasn't boring right..?" Gon asked, looking at Killua. The younger quickly shook his head while saying, "No! No, no, no, no! It was fun I promise!" Gon giggled looking at Killua. "I'm glad it was fun."


Killua slowly closed his eyes, the image of Gon smiling lingered in his mind until he finally was able to give in to the darkness of sleep. Gon stared at the other boy, wondering a few things. He sighed, shook his head, and quietly made his way to the door. He glanced one more time at Killua, then opened the door walking out of the room. And silently closed the door.

Gon didn't know what to make for Killua and his Aunt Mito. Well, he knows what Mito likes but really doesn't know what Killua likes. Other than chocolate. Gon sighed then a thought hit him. What if he were to make an omelet. Gon didn't know anyone who didn't like omelets, well not like he's met many people anyway. Gon started to get the ingredients out. He was all smiles making it.

"Hey, Gon.." A raspy voice said. It makes Gon jump and slowly turns around. Killua stood there, with his bed hair. Gon checked the time. His eyes widened, he didn't realize an hour went by.

"That smells good."

Gon heard Killua say while sitting on the table laying his head on his arms. "Hey, Killua.." Gon started. "Hm?" Killua hummed not looking away from Gon. "Do you like omelets?" Killua's eyes sparkled and he lifted his head to nod. Gon smiled and finished making the last omelet. He picks up the plate for Killua and walked over to give it to him. He went to get his own plate and started eating.

Once they were finished eating Gon grabbed both Killuas and his plate and started to wash them. Killua yawned, "Now I'm tired again..." Gob giggled then put the dishes away. Made sure he put Mitos food away for when she got back.

"Hey, Killua wanna play truth or dare?"

Killua quickly turned his head to Gon. Killua hesitated at first, accepted. "S-sure.." Killua's ears twitched, in a nervous way. "Don't worry! It won't get into personal stuff okay? Killua just nodded. They both made their way upstairs and entered Gon's room.

"Alright! You wanna start first?" Killua smiled and nodded, his tail swaying a bit. "Hmm...Let's see.." Killua said while tapping his chin. " Alright got one! Truth or Dare?" Gon scratched his head thinking, "Truth?" Killua smiled then poked Gons head, "How do you cook so well?" Gon smiled, then answered the cat boy's question, "My Aunt Mito!"

Killua smiled, "Alright your turn." Gon smiled the asked, "Truth or Dare?" Killua thought Gon was pretty unpredictable. "Dare I guess.." Killua was unsure for a second but looked at Gon determined. "Hmm.." Gon looked at Killua, his eyes narrowed. "Can I touch your ears?" Killua was shocked. "E-eh!?" Gon smiled.

"Cmon Killuaaaa.." Gon complained as the Neko was hiding under the other's bed, flustered. Killua stayed under the bed until Gon gave up.

Gob sighed and flopped on his bed, " Wanna watch a movie then?" Gon asked. Killua didn't move from the spot he was under the bed. He thought for a second. Knowing he couldn't speak the human language in his cat form he slowly came from under the bed and looked at Gon, turning back into his human form.

"Sure." Gon sat up and looked at the other boy, a big grin painted on his face. But then a question popped up in Neko's head, " Gon, when does your aunt get home?" Gons smiled disappear for a second. Then came back, "Today she's coming home at midnight, so don't worry! Killua smiled the said, "Let's watch a horror movie!" Gons eyes gleamed. "Alright!"


Btw quick A/n: Sorry for not updating for a while (;^;) And also thank you for 339 reads! (At the current time of making this.)

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