Chapter 12

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He transformed and hopped on the little bed. And quickly fell asleep. Gon got up, turned off the light and when to sleep too. Hoping tomorrow would be a good day.



Darkness. That's all the younger boy saw. Killua looked around he was all alone. Nothing. Silence. "Hello..?" Killua called walking around a bit. Suddenly the smell of blood filled the void. He covered his nose, trying to walk away from the smell. He say a light not to far away and started to walk towards it.

Once there he looked around to get a better look at the surrounding. He noticed that it all looked familiar. It was Gons room. "W-what.." Killua was pretty shocked. He started walking around the room.

The smell of blood again filled the room. He tried walking away but couldn't find a door. He was trapped. The boy made his way to the bed. He sat on the edge and looked around. The sound of buzzing filled his ears, he turned around and almost threw up.

There laid Gons body, bloody and dismembered. He sat up and backed away his stomach turned. His eye watered, he wanted to get out of there.

He never felt like this when he killed someone. He never felt a drop of remorse. But this was different, he had grown attached to the other boy.

His back to the wall he slid on the floor shaking violently. 'Why me? What did I do?' He thought. He wanted all of this to go away....
(Tw over)

"Kill-- KILLUA!" Gon yelled looking at the younger boy. Killuas eyes widened. He looked around, paniced. "Are you alright?" Gon asked, worried. The younger just shook his head and looked at his friend. He was glad he was safe.

After that nightmare Killua felt a need to stay by the older side. He didn't feel safe, even if he had skills as an assassin. "Killua are you really alright?" Gon said after a few days of the white haired boy following him around. "I-- y-yeah." The neko tucked in his tail like a scared dog.

Gon sighed as they both walked into town. Killua's ears perked as Gon was heading towards the candy store. "If I get you chocorobos will you stop following me?" The boy asked. Killuas quickly nodded.

They exited the store with a happy cat and a tired young boy.

"Uh, Gon?" The younger boy glanced at the older. Gon and Killua were currently sitting on the couch, a movie playing in the back. " Sorry about acting clingy."

Gon chuckled,"It's alright!" The boy smiled at the other and he turned back to the t.v. Killua remembered the nightmare and inhaled a shaky breath. "I-." He couldn't finish because the image of Gon sitting there entered his head.

He looked at the boy who was peacefully watching the movie, visibly tired. Killua slightly scooted near the other boy. He gradually got closer to the boy.

Gon was asleep by this time. Killua rested his head on Gons shoulder. Feeling safer, he smile and closed his eyes letting the dream land take him.


End of Chapter 12

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