Chapter 16

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The spiky-haired boy tried his best to comfort his friend. While on the other hand, the cat could feel his skin burning. If in his human form his face would he very, very red. As soon as Killua got comfortable he fell asleep almost instantly. It took a while for Gon to fall asleep but he did.


Light shined through the window, hitting the younger boy's face. It was bright and clear outside almost the perfect day, almost. It was a Monday. That day wasn't always the best day.

Killua groaned a little before opening his ocean blue eyes. He found himself in his human form, snuggled against the other boy. His face immediately turned beet red. Well, either from being hot, it is in the summer. Or being flustered.

Whatever it was, he quickly sat up and headed to the closet. He could still feel his face hot. But decided to ignore it. He got clothes, took a shower, and got ready. He sat downstairs. He felt sick to his stomach with nervousness.

He had never gone to school before. Well, sure he was homeschool. But, that's different. He's going to school with REAL people. Well, he still has Gon. He smiled lightly at himself for that thought. A couple of minutes have passed until he heard him walking upstairs.

He thought it was Gon so he ignored it. But something felt off. So, he slipped into his cat form and his under the couch. He narrowed his eyes and watched closely. There, running down the stairs was a panicked boy.

Killua slid from under the couch and looked at the older. Gon let out a sigh of relief. "I thought you got so nervous you left." Gon placed a hand on his heart and sighed again. Killua chuckled. He looked at the boy and admired all of his features. He felt his face heat up and looked away quickly.

Gon tilted his head, then shrugged. "I'll meet you outside, I need to get ready." The younger nodded and walked watched the other run back up the stairs. He walked outside and stood near the flowers. He smiled and crouched near them. He wanted to take his mind off of school.

After half an hour Gon finally came out. He smiled at the other boy and they began walking. They talked for a little bit before getting to school.

When they got there, they pulled out the paper Mito gave them, which she got from the office. It was their schedule. They both looked at it and found they almost had all classes together, well, except for two.

Hello! Author here. Just to let everyone know, both of them are 14. So freshmen in high school. Back to the story!

They looked at each other and smiled. They had gotten a tour the day after Mito had told them. They both sat outside on the bench by the gates talking to each other. When two boys showed up. One had spiky black hair and was wearing the tiniest glasses in the world. And the other one had blond hair. Which both of the boys thought was a girl for a second. The two sat on the bench next to the boys. Chatting away.

The boys chuckled before they heard the bell ring. School time.


End of Chapter 16

Anyone else who got so nervous about the first day of school you would feel sick? No? Just me? Okay. 🕴

The Neko - Killua x Gon ||FanFic||Where stories live. Discover now