Chapter 17

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The boys chuckled before they heard the bell ring. School time.


They both walked to their first class, Biology. Well, that was better than having P.E first. Killua noticed that the blond-haired guy and the other one slip up, as he only saw the spikey-haired one heading to the same class as them.

When inside the class everyone sat down. But, it was dead silent. The silence was so loud to some people. But to the Neko. He used to it. Gon glanced at Killua who was a tad bit bored. He opened his mouth to speak but the door opened and in came a teacher. He had short black hair, glasses, and a white untucked shirt. "Welcome to class!" He said enthusiastically.

He went on about biology and other stuff. This made the Neko even more bored. He swished his tail around, and even playing with his pencil. He started liking the smell of the school, well this classroom at least. It smelled like books and even a hint of wood. It smelled different, well it's not like he didn't like the smell of Gons house. He honestly loved the smell. It gave him a homely feeling. It smelled sweet and gave a nice feeling. He smiled silently, but the moment ended as fast as it came.

The teen in the back started going off in a rant about how this won't help him get money or fame. The younger rolled his eyes while Gon started for awhile, listening. The teacher, Mr. Wing had enough of this rant about 2 minutes in. "Mr. Leorio! Do you want to go to the principles office on the first day?" He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

'Leorio' stopped talking and seemingly shrunk. It earned chuckles from the other students. Gon just smiled and glanced at Killua. The caramel-eyed boy softly giggled at the blue-eyed boy and looked forward to listening to the teacher.

It made the other heart flutter. He could feel the heat creep upon his face. He covered his face, but made sure to listen to the teacher still. A few moments had passed by until a paper airplane landed on Neko's desk. He looked around and opened it. Inside it read, 'Uh oh! Someone has a crush.' -Leorio. He quickly turned his head and glared at the other teen. Leorio was snickering trying to not look obvious.

Killua sighed and looked over at his friend. He looked concentrated, but knowing him for about a month, he was nowhere near. Mr. Wing pushed up his glasses at the exact same time the bell rang. "Class dismissed." He said in a quiet tone.

Everyone got up and started walking towards to door, sadly for them, lunch wasn't their next period. History was. Now, Killua doesn't necessarily care about History. But something felt off about walking to the classroom.

When they entered they were the only ones in the classroom. And there were only two desks. Gon looked at Killua who was staring at the desks. "I think this is the wrong classroom.." Gon mumbled. Suddenly a hand rested on both of the boy's shoulders. Leaning his head down Illumi whispered, "This is the right classroom." It sent shivers down the boy's spins.

"Sit down now class." He said in a calm tone, but one that spooked the boys. They quickly nodded and walked towards their desks. They remained silent during the whole lesson, too scared to do anything.

The bell finally rang and they sat up quickly. Walking towards the door. Illumi stood up and got to the door before they did. "Have a good rest of your day." He said with bo emotion in his voice. Gon nodded. But Killua felt sick. His brother had found him. He wanted to leave as quickly as possible.


End of Chapter 17

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