Chapter 2

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Gon quickly ate his breakfast and when he was finished, put his plate in the sink. "Hmm.." Gon looked at the cat. Killua looked up at Gon then started jumping on chairs. Gon didn't seem to notice this as he was deep in thought. 'Nyah' Killua sighed again and grabbed the money off of the table. Gon snapped out of the trance and looked at the cat. "Hey! Wait-." Killua looked back at Gon and stopped walking. 'Mew?' Killua managed to muffle as dollar bills stared falling from his mouth. Gon sighed, then chuckled, "I need to wash you up. Your all dirty." He made his way to killua who started backing away.

'Nyah!' Killua hissed as Gon tried to put him in the tub on water. "Oh! Come on Killua!" Gon whined. "The faster I wash you, the faster it'll be to get your food!" Killua looked at Gon then stopped struggling. "Thank you." Gon giggled at the cat. After all that was done, Gon picked up the money that Killua had left on the floor. "Ready to go?" The cat nodded. Gon smiled and opened the door. He and Killua made their way to the pets store. Killua glanced up at Gon, wondering why he was following this kid, he could easily run away. The question started filling the tiny cat's head. Gon looked down to see the cat's expression. He held in his laughter shaking, dangerously getting close to busting out. The cat had the weirdest face in the world. Gon managed to contain it though out the whole walk. "Alright, Killua we're here." Gon said picking up the fluffy cat. "Hello." Greeted one of the cashiers. Gon nodded hello and continued walking. He soon made it to the food aisle. "Alright Killua, pick which one you want." Killua got put on the floor to sniff the foods. He sniffed a little of the foods before backing away. He started walking to the cat toys. " No- Killua!" The cat ignored him and continued walking. He stared at the toys before picking one. It was a rod and at the end there were feathers. "But you need food. Not toys." Gon said trying to get the cat's attention. Killua glared at Gon the pointed his nose towards the toy. Gon looked at killua, then the toy. He sighed and grabbed it while picking killua up. He when to go pay for it so they could go home. Once that was done he put Killua on the floor and they began walking back. Halfway there Gon heard someone say "Thanks." He looked to where Killua was walking and saw a boy, about the same age as him. With snowy white hair and dark blue. But something was off about him. He had ears and a tail! Gon jumped back at stared at the boy. "W-who are you?" Gon stuttered. The boy tilted his head while holding the toy Gon bought for his cat, Killua. "Oh. I'm Killua." He said while smiling at the toy. "B-but then where's my cat-" Killua cut him off, " You're looking at him," Killua smirked. "H-Huh!"


End of Chapter 2

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