Chapter 15

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Gon softly smiled and laid beside the other boy. He chuckled a little before going to bed.

School. The week had gone too fast for the boys. It was the day before school. Mito had gone shopping for the boys. They both had everything they needed for school.

Killua nervously fidgeted his fingers as thoughts of school filled his head. "Killua!" Gon yelled from downstairs. Killua got up from sitting on the other boy's bed. He walked downstairs to the boy. "I asked Mito if we could go shopping!?" Killua looked at him puzzled.

"I thought Mito did the shopping?" Gon shook his head, "No! I mean like sweets shopping! Or.. Umm." Gon tried to think of other things. Killua smiled and laughed. "Alright let's go then."

In the town, the boys strolled around until they found a shop they wanted to go to. They entered and the smell of fresh-baked bread filled their noses. Their stomachs growled and they began ordering the food. "How do you feel?" The Neko swished his tail to that question, kinda confused. "About school I mean, sorry." Gon chuckled a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

Killua thought for a second, "Just a bit nervous. That's all." He replied. Gon just nodded and continued eating his bread. While the younger only took nibbled from his bread, all hunger he felt vanished. Going to school was a new thing. When he was at home. He was only was taught how to fight. He sighed and glanced out of the bakeries window.

It was pretty warm outside some many people wore light clothing. And inside of the store was fairly cold. He stopped himself from gasping when he saw his brother. Illumi. Standing outside of the shop near some trees.

Panic flowed through his body. "G-Gon, we need to leave." Illumi must've realized he was caught and he ran away. Sometimes Killua is glad it was summer. His dark clothes have it away. Gon looked up confused, "Why?"

The Neko groaned and practically dragged the other boy oh if the shop. "Killuaaaaaa," Gon whined as they now sat on his bed. "Tell me why you made us leave so early." The younger froze, he needed to make up a lie fast. "I- felt tired." Kills tail swished as he mentally facepalmed.

Somehow the other boy believed him. They Gob wanted to watch movies. While Killua just wanted to sleep. Panic was somehow making him tired.

Gon finally accepted that the younger was tired. And he was going to sleep too. Killua took a shower and raced to go to bed. After Gon was finished showering, he would usually see the cat sleeping. Bur instead he saw a frantic boy.

"Killua? Are you alright?" The boy asked. The white-haired boy gave a silent nod. Gon knew he was lying and gave the boy a huge hug. Killua flinched from the sudden touch. But soon hugged back a small smile on his face. Gon giggled and let go. The other finally yawned, seeming really tired now. He shifted into a cat form and jumped on his little bed. But Gon picked him up and put him on his bed. The cat was confused for a second but soon was being cuddled by Gon.

The spiky-haired boy tried his best to comfort his friend. While on the other hand, the cat could feel his skin burning. If in his human form his face would he very, very red. As soon as Killua got comfortable he fell asleep almost instantly. It took a while for Gon to fall asleep but he did.


End of Chapter 16

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